Donald Trump to Piers Morgan: Why Should I Apologize For Racist Tweets?

The campaign and presidency of Donald Trump have brought all manner of D-list boot-lickers out of the woodwork, many of whom have attempted to forge second careers out of their willingness to publicly fellate the Donald. Scott Baio, Omarosa, Ted Nugent, and Stacey Dash are just some of the lackeys to emerge from the “where are they now?” file in hopes of winning Trump’s favor. But of all the has-beens who have put their remnants of their reputations on the line for a man who clearly has no loyalty to his minions ( ask Steve Bannon about that one) perhaps none is more perplexing than Piers Morgan. In the States, Morgan might be best known as the guy who once co-hosted a cut-rate talent show with Sharon Osbourne, but in his native UK, he still has a career. As the host of Good Morning Britain is basically the British equivalent of Matt Lauer … and we say that with full awareness that Lauer is a creep who was despised by his co-workers and received praise only when he announced his decision to finally go away. On this morning’s show, Piers was as giddy as a schoolgirl, having finally secured an interview with his longtime Twitter crush, DJT. For the most part, Morgan lobbed a bunch of softball nonsense at the president, but remarkably, he did actually broach a difficult subject by bringing up Trump’s retweets of Britain First, a bigoted hate group whose views have been universally condemned by British politicians. Trump didn’t deny that he retweeted the group more than once (“Well, three times. Boom, boom, boom. Quickly. Yeah,” he hilariously described the action), but he refused to apologize for one of the dumbest moves of a presidency characterized solely by dumb moves. “Here’s what’s fair: If you’re telling me they’re horrible, racist people I would certainly apologize, if you’d like me to do that. I know nothing about them,” Trump said. When Morgan basically replied, “That’s some Palin-caliber word salad there, boss, but folks have more finely-tuned BS detectors on this side of the pond,” Trump elaborated thusly: “I don’t want to be involved with people like that. But you’re telling me about these people because I know nothing about these people.” That was apparently good enough for Piers who took to Twitter after the interview to declare that Trump had “publicly apologised.” Now, obviously, dumb Trump tweets are nothing new, but the Britain First links took things to a dangerous new level, as for the first time, the president was presenting an immediate physical threat to civilians of an allied nation. Britain First followers have been known to engage in racially-charged hate crimes, and when their views are legitimized by none other than the president of the United States, it makes life measurably more dangerous for civilians in the UK and throughout the world. As this week’s CNN threats reminded us, the president’s words have real-world consequences, and what’s nothing more than a petty social media feud to Trump is a literal call to arms for some of his followers. But hey, if his apology is good enough for Piers Morgan, we’re sure it’s good enough to quell the homicidal rage of a heavily-armed far-right militia group. View Slideshow: 17 Celebrities Who Actually Support Donald Trump

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Donald Trump to Piers Morgan: Why Should I Apologize For Racist Tweets?

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