Duggar Family: Seriously, Can Someone Marry Jana Already?

If you follow the Duggar family closely, then we probably don’t need to tell you that Jana Dugger is still single . Normally, it wouldn’t be a big deal that a 28-year-old woman had yet to find Mr. Right, especially when that woman has as much going on in her life as Jana. She’s a reality star, as well as an expert gardener and home repair enthusiast. She pitches in with flipping houses and cars as part of the family business, and she serves as a second mother to her many, many younger siblings. But Jana was raised in a family that believes procreation is a woman’s primary reason for being . And so the efforts to marry Jana off are becoming more and more ambitious with each passing year. The Duggars haven’t gone so far as to create a profile for Jana on Christian Mingle, but some fans think they came pretty close with their latest Facebook post: “Our sweet Jana! She loves to serve others and has a heart of gold!” Jim Bob and Michelle captioned the photo above. Yes, she loves to serve others almost as much as she hates close-ups. Seriously, what’s going on with this picture? Drone surveillance cameras get closer to their subjects than this. Are they trying to find a suitor for Jana without her knowledge and using some sort of Melania-style body double for the pics? We guess that might work. After all, single Duggar women aren’t allowed to use social media , which means Jana has never known the joy of scrolling through a timeline and growing increasingly angry that all her high school friends are taking cooler vacations than she is. We kid, Jana doesn’t have any high school friends — she never went to high school! In all seriousness, this is probably just the Duggars offering what may be a much-needed self-esteem boost to their eldest daughter. After all, it can’t be easy to be the single girl in a family that prioritizes marriage and procreation above all else. Some folks think the Duggars want Jana to remain single so that she can continue to help around the house. That may have been true at one point, but as their youngest kids reach maturity, Jim Bob and Michelle would probably like to see Jana start a family of her own. But at least they’re taking the time to show her some appreciation in the meantime. View Slideshow: Jana Duggar: 13 Reasons Why … is She Still Single?

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Duggar Family: Seriously, Can Someone Marry Jana Already?

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