Elisabeth Hasselbeck Went on F-Bomb Filled Rant, The View Audio Reveals

Years before Meghan McCain was whining at Whoopi Goldberg, Elisabeth Hasselbeck was hosting  The View  with  a touch more homophobia . More than ten years ago, Hasselbeck went on a tirade about Plan B, and Barbara Walters asked her to moderate her tone and be respectful. Hasselbeck stormed off of the set, and we now have the F-bomb filled audio of what Hasselbeck screeched backstage. In August of 2006, Elisabeth Hasselbeck went on a fiery rant about the morning after pill. The morning after pill prevents fertilization, just like wearing a condom or just staying in and binging something on Netflix. But Hasselbeck's concern was that it was “a slippery slope to just eliminating life.” She then launched into a tangent, growing increasingly heated, suggesting people who support universal healthcare but also reproductive autonomy are hypocrites. Barbara Walters still appeared on the show she started at the time, and she urged Hasselbeck to calm down and speak in a civil tone. As  The View  cuts to commercial, Hasselbeck dramatically rips up her notecards and storms off of the stage in a huff. That's not the end of it, though, because  Variety  has unearthed the audio recording from Hasselbeck's backstage hissy fit. In the audio, Hasselbeck can be heard continuing to freak out, while Joy Behar tries to comfort her. “F–k that! I'm not going to sit there and get reprimanded on the air,” Hasselbeck declares repeatedly. “It's not okay to sit there and get reprimanded on the air,” she insists. “What the f–k!” She then suggests that Barbara's words impacted her so much that she's no longer responsible for her own behavior. “I don't even swear,” she claims. “She has me swearing.” “This woman is driving me nuts,” Hasselbeck declares. “I'm not going back. I can't do the show like this.” “She just reprimanded me,” she claims again. “And she knew exactly what she was doing.” “Goodbye!” Hasselbeck says dramatically. “I'm off.” Hilariously, she ends her rant with: “Read about that in the New York f–king Post!” Hasselbeck would, in fact, remain on  The View  for another seven years. That bizarre rant was wild, but Hasselbeck has now posted an apology on Instagram, and it is filled with gems. “This. Just. In: I am quite humanly reactive,” Hasselbeck writes. Humanly reactive  is quite a phrase. She admits: “I used bad words when frustrated.” “I was pregnant with Taylor,” she explains. “And a big conversation about the value and the lives of the unborn took place at the View.” “It was a battle,” she writes. “But not of the flesh.” A battle not of the flesh ? You cannot make this stuff up. “I used fighting words,” Hasselbeck explains. “Because I believe that God decides the value of the lives of babies.” “We care for a group of Robin’s eggs in a nest before they are hatched,” she says. “And,” she adds. “Likely would think twice before stomping on the awesome blue shells because we know what God placed inside the hard womb.” “And in the heat of the moment, when I felt the need to protect what I knew to be truth,” she writes. “And had seen with my own eyes on ultrasound the LIFE in my own shell of a body,” she continues. “I used big battle words.” Using  big battle words  is my new favorite euphemism for swearing. She notes: “(one in particular that I am not proud of and am sorry for using in the heat of trying to defend the lives of the unborn).” “2 things I have grown to learn: 1) there are words that DISTRACT from your point: Choose wisely,” Hasselbeck advises. She adds: “2) I have a God who fights the battle. I don’t have to do that all on my own.” Hasselbeck then goes on to use this controversy to plug her book, of course. “I still hold all my Constitutionally protected rights to freedom of faith,” she then writes. “But now,” Hasselbeck concludes. “I can hold the hand of the person who does not agree at the same time.” We don't want to get too personal here, but we can of course understand someone feeling extremely passionately about their beliefs. Even if a person believes that life begins at the moment of conception, the morning after pill should not be an issue, as it prevents conception. That's why it's not called hte Next Week Pill or the At My Convenience Pill. Time is of the essence. But even though no “unborn human lives” by any definition were involved, it's clear that Hasselbeck for some reason believed that they were. Barbara Walters very gently told her to please moderate her tone out of respect for both cohosts and the audience. It's a shame that she freaked out in the way that she did, but the goofy phrases in her “apology” today make it all worthwhile.

See original here:
Elisabeth Hasselbeck Went on F-Bomb Filled Rant, The View Audio Reveals

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