If you watched Tuesday’s season finale of Teen Mom: OG , you know Farrah Abraham flipped out on a producer and quit the show. Watch Teen Mom Season 12 Episode 9 Online Judging from the reaction Twitter most fans seemed to agree that despite her behavior, Farrah would likely be back for another season, because love her or hate her, the girl makes for good TV. Now, however, sources are saying that whether she quit or was fired, Farrah’s days on the show that made her famous are over. For one thing, the contract dispute between Farrah and MTV that was depicted on the show is very real. In the past, producers haven’t prevented Farrah from participating in other reality series (she appeared on VH1’s Couples Therapy and the UK’s Celebrity Big Brother in recent years), but according to her contract, her offers have to be approved, mainly to ensure that they don’t conflict with her Teen Mom shooting schedule. Farrah failed to do that in this case, which puts her in breach of contract, and MTV may want to seize the opportunity to part ways with the network’s most volatile star without be forced to pay her for the time remaining on her agreement. And of course, there’s the matter of Farrah assaulting a producer . It doesn’t look as though Larry Musnik will pursue any legal action against Farrah, but that doesn’t mean the network will take further chances by having the two of them work together next season. Since other cast members have previously threatened to quit if Farrah is brought back , you can safely assume that Musnik won’t be the one who’s let go. Watch Teen Mom online to relive the Ms. Abraham’s many, many insane moments on the show.
Read more from the original source:
Farrah Abraham: DONE With Teen Mom?!