Jackson and Ember Roloff: See the Cousins Holding Hands!

Yesterday, when we showed you that photo of Jackson Roloff posing with his grandfather’s children’s book , we mentioned how nice it would be to see a photo of Jackson alongside his cousin, Ember Jean. Because really, what’s better than one baby? Two babies. That’s right, folks — you can see both babies in the same photo. And then again, you’ll see them together in another photo. Prepare for a cuteness overload! To be clear, we don’t claim credit for this photo happening — we’re hardly the inventors of the idea of “hey why don’t we put these babies side-by-side?” Great trains run along the same tracks, is all. Jackson is a few months older than Ember Jean, and while they both look like tiny babies, you can really see the difference between a baby like Jackson and a newborn like Ember. (Because he’s definitely bigger — babies grow up so quickly, you guys!) Tori Roloff shared the pair of images, and we’re so glad: Look at them! Ember Jean is just trying to sleep and do her whole “newborn baby thing.” As precious as she is, she’s too new to really have much in the way of a personality. Jackson, ont he other hand, looks a little puzzled by this creature beside him and he’s looking at the camera, possibly hoping for some sort of reassurance. But there’s also what looks like a sparkle of enthusiasm or excitement in his eyes. He’s holding his cousin’s hand, which is all kinds of adorable. Tori Roloff captioned both photos: “No worries cousin Ember… Baby J will always be there to hold your hand. [heart emoji] we love you little girl! #babyjroloff #roloffcousins” And here is the second: Isn’t that every bit as precious as the photo that we described wanting to see yesterday/ Ember Jean’s parents also saw and appreciated the photos, because of course they did. Jeremy and Audrey will probably be captivated by every photo of their daughter for a long, long time — if not for life. Audrey commented on the sweet pictures: “The sweetest of friends! Obsessed with them.” We are, too. Jackson isn’t the only one costarring in photos of Ember Jean. Family matriarch Amy Roloff, the proudest of grandmas, shared this photo of herself with her first-ever granddaughter. As we’ve mentioned, Amy Roloff got some hate when some fans thought that she was “distant” or “withholding” from Ember Jean in comparison to Jackson. Obviously, that was not the case. And Amy Roloff set the record straight . Now that that’s settled (at least, we hope that it is — she love her grandbabies, folks), Amy Roloff has shared this photo of herself and Ember Jean on Facebook, with the caption: “Fall- always reminds me how so much I’m thankful for. These two – Jackson and Ember top the list…These two remind me God never leaves us, never lets us go and always [loves us].” Great to consider the things for which you are thankful, whether it’s in a religious or non-religious context. Autumn is a great time for it, with Thanksgiving on its way and the very dramatic changing of the seasons. View Slideshow: Ember Jean Roloff: All Her Precious Pictures!

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Jackson and Ember Roloff: See the Cousins Holding Hands!

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