Jed Wyatt: Is He Really Working as a STRIPPER to Pay the Bills?!

It’s possible that no contestant in Bachelorette history has fallen from grace as swiftly as Jed Wyatt. Like, we all hated Luke P. from the get-go, but there was a time — not all that long ago — when Jed was a bonafide fan favorite. The soulful crooner with the penchant for grand romantic gestures won over not only Hannah, but millions of viewers, many of whom were likely eager to spend real US dollars to download his music, which could best be described as easy listening for people who find John Mayer a bit hardcore for their taste. But Jed’s time as one of Hannah’s most beloved suitors was very short-lived. The first blow to his reputation came when the world learned that Wyatt had a girlfriend waiting at home during filming. Not a good look when you’re on a show whose only casting requirements are being 1. a dude, and 2. single. And on the first installment of this week’s two-part Bachelorette season finale (Side note: Can someone please start a petition to producers to stop drawing these damn finales out for four hours?) Jed’s family joined the crowd of nay-sayers when he got trounced by Tyler Cameron during the “meet the parents” round. A big part of the problem was that Hannah’s folks don’t believe that a struggling musician has what it takes to give their daughter the lifestyle she’s accustomed to. (Thankfully, Hannah pointed out that it’s 2019, and she’s planning to launch a career of her own.) Jed offered a rather unimpressive resume to Hannah’s dad, citing as his career highlight the jingle he wrote for a dog food commercial. But it’s possible that Jed was selling himself short. In addition to crooning about kibble, Wyatt also pays the bills by gettin’ his Magic Mike on as a member of Nashville’s Music City Male Revue. Yes, because there are like 8 people actually making money in the music industry these days, Jed — like millions of “nursing students” before him — was forced to turn to exotic dancing. Here he is with some colleagues and a fan following a performance from earlier this year: To be fair, the Music City Male Revue doesn’t involve full nudity and is billed as a “PG-13” experience. Still, it’s not hard to see why Jed downplayed this aspect of his career while conversing with Hannah’s father. Of course, we can’t help but wonder if Hannah is aware of Jed’s ab-flaunting past. If you’ve been following our Bachelorette spoilers all season, then you already know who Hannah picks tonight — but Ms. Brown promised a surprise during the live portion of the episode, so it’s really anyone’s guess what will happen. The only thing we know for sure is that it’s gonna be long, and tease-master Chris Harrison is gonna do his best to keep you guessing (and tuned-in) until the very end. View Slideshow: The Bachelorette Spoilers: How Will it End? Who Will Hannah Pick?!

Original post:
Jed Wyatt: Is He Really Working as a STRIPPER to Pay the Bills?!

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