Jenelle Evans Fights Mom After Court: Just How Delusional is She?!

Do you ever just check in on the latest comings and goings of Jenelle and just get totally exhausted? If not, well … get ready to experience that phenomenon. Because yeah, sure, things have been pretty intense in her world lately, but even by those standards, what happened yesterday was just utterly insane. We've got Jenelle fighting with Barbara, David fighting with Nathan, accusations of child abuse and hard drug use, talk of restraining orders … And a great big delusional interview from Jenelle to top it all off. If all of this sounds like something you'd be interested in — and trust us, it really is — then settle in and we'll get going. 1. Some Background Info To understand all that happened yesterday, you need to know a couple of things, and one of them is that Jenelle has a very, VERY troubled history with her mother, Barbara. 2. The History Jenelle and Barbara’s problems go all the way back to when she was a child — she’s said that she never felt like her mother offered her the love and care she needed, and their relationship only got worse after Jenelle signed over custody of her youngest son, Jace, when he was an infant. 3. So Many Troubles Barbara has taken good care of Jace, and she does have full, permanent custody of him now, but there were several years there where we saw Jenelle scream and cry and pretty much despise her mom for not just handing the kid back over, even though she was seriously troubled for a long time — she was getting arrested all the time, in and out of abusive relationships, and dealing with drug problems. 4. Ouch Since there was so much animosity over Barbara having custody of Jace, it must really be difficult for Jenelle to see her get custody of Ensley, too. 5. Of Course That’s the other thing you need to know — that Barbara currently has custody of Ensley after CPS removed all the kids from Jenelle’s home following David’s brutal killing of the family’s French bulldog, Nugget. 6. Let’s Go So that’s where we are now: Jenelle and David don’t have custody of any of their kids, they’ve been having to go to court weekly to keep up with everything and have their supervised visits, and their golden child, Ensley, is with one of their worst enemies at the moment, Barbara. How could this possibly go wrong?! View Slideshow

Jenelle Evans Fights Mom After Court: Just How Delusional is She?!

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