Jenelle Evans lost her kids for several weeks this spring/summer after authorities determined she and husband David Eason were raising them in an unsafe environment. But one thing the former Teen Mom star never lost, somehow, was her faith in Eason. Yes, he probably beat her up in October of 2018. Yes, he killed their family dog, triggering this latest child custody case. And, yes, he's a close-minded and violent bigot with a serious temper problem and, by all accounts, not an empahetic bone in his body. Given all of these facts and factors, did Evans ever truly consider a divorce? The reality star answered this question, and many more, in a brand new Instagram Q&A… 1. Holy Hell, Why Is She Talking?!? Jenelle does not know when to shut up. That much has been certain for a very long time now. One might think she’d be content to quietly spend time at home now with her kids, but… 2. … One Would Be Mistaken Jenelle Evans reunites with her two youngest children. 3. Wait, She Did Get Her Kids Back? Yes. A North Carolina judge decreed on July 3 that she and Eason could once again be the primary caregivers for two-year old Ensley, four-year old Kaiser and 11-year old Maryssa, David’s daughter from a previous relationship. 4. Congrats? We Guess? “I am ecstatic to regain custody of my kids back!” Jenelle told E! New in response. “Throughout this long process and final decision, I am excited to be moving forward and continuing to show America I’m a good parent.” 5. America Will Need A LOT of Convincing But, look, we do want what is best for these kids. Still, it’s hard to believe Jenelle is committed to their well-being when she refuses to leave Eason. 6. This Brings Us to the Instagram Stories Q&A Many people had many questions for Evans regarding this situation, the most prominent being: WHY ARE YOU STILL WITH THIS LAME AND SHORT-TEMPERED LOSER OF A HUSBAND? View Slideshow
Originally posted here:
Jenelle Evans Says She Was THIS Close to Leaving David Eason