For the past week or so, a certain rumor about Jenelle Evans has been getting stronger and stronger. That rumor, as hard as it may be to believe, is that she's pregnant . Again. It's funny because it's not even a little hard to believe — this girl is only 25 years old and she's already been pregnant at least five times. This time, the rumors began because it seems like Jenelle's been focused on hiding her midsection lately, possibly to hide a baby bump. Another interesting little tidbit is that her fiancé, David Eason, shared a photo of the two of them kissing with the caption “V.I.” Some people speculated that he could be referring to the roman numeral for six — the number of kids they'd have between them if she was pregnant right now. Jenelle has denied the rumors on social media , but still, they're persisting. So short of giving an ultrasound on live television, she's giving us the most definitive proof she can: a pregnancy test done on Facebook Live. As she explains before taking the test, the rumors have been going on for a while now, but they've gotten to the point where certain sites are definitively stating facts about he pregnancy. Which, she maintains, is not real. She says that when David wrote “V.I.,” he was simply shortening “Virgin Islands,” the place where the photo was taken, and besides, she's got an IUD. “If it is positive,” she says about the test, “it's the first time I will know, but I have an IUD, so …” But, as we all know, IUDs aren't 100% effective , so it is possible that she's pregnant. The cameras kept rolling as Jenelle went to take the test — a way to show all us viewers that there's no funny business going on. But still, she didn't squat over the stick on the live feed, so there's always the chance she had some non-pregnant lady pee waiting to trick us all. While they're waiting on the results of the test, she acknowledges that she did lie when she was pregnant with Ensley, and that's why people are having a hard time believing her when she says she's not pregnant. But, she says, that's why she's taking the pregnancy test for us all to see — and if there's still any doubt, time will tell when her wedding comes up and she doesn't have a huge bump. Hilariously, she also adds that she's planning on getting her tubes tied when she has the time, but David won't get a vasectomy because it would be “unhealthy for him.” Because sure, it makes sense for her to have an invasive surgery instead of him getting a little snip at a doctor's office. After this weird bit of chit chat, it's finally time for Jenelle to reveal the test results. Check out the current state of her uterus in the video below:
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Jenelle Evans Takes a Pregnancy Test in Facebook Live Video!