Like much of America, Jennifer Aniston is mesmerized by The Bachelor . Also like much of America (at least we hope), she can’t take it seriously. “You know what I find fascinating? The Bachelor, ” she says as part of her Allure cover story . “I’m mesmerized by how the girls meet this guy, have three dates together or something, then weep as though they’ve just lost the love of their life.” “I just don’t understand that.” ELIGIBLE BACHELORETTE : Despite her perennial single status, don’t expect Jen to pine for Brad Womack the next time ABC has him star on The Bachelor . Typical of Hollywood’s most notorious lonely girl to thumb her nose at the genuine stories of romance and love that unfold before our eyes every Monday. If Jen had seen Emily Maynard open up to Brad this week, we doubt she’d question the sincerity of those tears. Cue cards can’t script that kind of drama. We do see her point, though. Every time crazy stalker Michelle Money whines about how Brad is “mine” and laments “sharing,” we question her lucidity.
Jennifer Aniston Doesn’t "Get" The Bachelor