It’s a whole new View on ABC. Days after Joy Behar was showered with kisses on her final episode, the network has released a promotional photo for the Season 17 cast, which, of course, will include Jenny McCarthy as new program panelist. She was confirmed as the replacement for Elisabeth Hasselbeck on July 15. Gushed McCarthy upon being named co-host: “I’m beyond thrilled to be joining Barbara and the other amazing women at the table. I’d like to thank ABC for this great opportunity. I’d also like to give a big thank you to VH1 for their support and for allowing me to fulfill this lifelong dream. I look forward to helping make hot topics a little bit hotter, and showing my mom that my interrupting skills have finally paid off.” However, not everyone is excited about this blonde joining the series. Many believe McCarthy espouses dangerous, anti-child vaccination views – and some have gone as far as to refer to her a ” homicidal maniac ” and a “threat to the public health” as a result of this opinion. Where do you stand? Are you excited for Jenny McCarthy to join The View? Yes, what a great choice! No way! View Poll »
Read more:
Jenny McCarthy on The View: First Photo!