She often sits stop near the top of publication’s list of Most Beautiful Women. She’s often photographed by the paparazzi. She stars in a lot of movies and she’s dating one of the world’s most beloved singers. Do we actually know much about Jessica Biel, though? The actress is a rather unknown entity in this celebrity gossip age. But perhaps we’ll learn more about her in this month’s Glamour , as she touches on the following subjects in the magazine… On keeping in shape : I like to do a couple of yoga classes during the week, mixed in with weight training sessions for strength. And yoga for me is more of an elongating thing. I hike and walk my dogs a lot. It keeps me very clear-headed. On competing with the world of Justin Timberlake : I guess I would say my thing is just as wonderful. And that’s the only way: when you each have your own world and it’s just as great. On making fashion choices : I’m not someone who has this amazing instinct about fashion. Sometimes I cannot be bothered…I just thrown on whatever is comfortable… I literally spent most of my teenage years in Umbro shorts and No Fear T-shirts. On climbing Mount Kilimanjaro : I’ve learned that I can push forward, which was exciting for me. When you get out into the wilderness and strip [away] all of the stuff in your everyday life, you really gain a great respect for your own life, simply as it is. Well said, Jess. Guess you can do more than just pose beautifully. Really, really, really beautifully .
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Jessica Biel on Justin Timberlake, Fashion and Mount Kilimanjaro