Jimmy Kimmel Reacts to White House Correspondents Dinner Speech, Love for George Clooney

He mocked the size of President Obama’s ears, the libido of the Secret Service and, of course, Kim Kardashian . So how did Jimmy Kimmel feel about his speech at the annual White House Correspondents Dinner Saturday night? The talk show host told Entertainment Weekly he thought he was “solid,” adding: “The President and the First Lady both said they thought it was very funny.” Jimmy Kimmel White House Correspondents Dinner Speech Kimmel also said it was the second “most terrified” he’s ever been, following his first appearance with David Letterman and, as you might expect, it’s a “very strange room” in which to use material. “One person told me afterward they were scared to laugh at a joke because they were sitting next to [House Majority Leader] Eric Cantor, who I didn’t even realize was there,” Kimmel said . “She didn’t want him to see her laughing at a joke I made about him. Half the people on any given joke have to keep [the laughter] to themselves.” As for President Obama’s speech ? It was “very good, very funny,” the comedian said, although a certain actor in attendance drew more attention than the Commander-in-Chief. “George Clooney is far more popular than any person in Washington D.C.,” Jimmy said. “They were pushing people back [from him]. It was starting to get crazy.”

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Jimmy Kimmel Reacts to White House Correspondents Dinner Speech, Love for George Clooney

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