Tag Archives: dinner-speech

911 Call of Jennifer Hudson’s Sister Released, Heartbreaking

The 911 call made by Jennifer Hudson’s sister, upon finding the body of her murdered mother, was released today in court. The heartbreaking evidence is being used by the defense in its case against William Balfour, who is on trial for killing Hudson’s mother, brother and nephew. And the portions played for the jury were as heartbreaking as you can imagine. “Help, please,” Julia Hudson is heard telling a 911 operator. “Oh, God. Somebody’s killed my mother, somebody’s killed my mother… Please help me. Oh my God, oh my God… please… please… can you please send an ambulance, please. Oh my God.” The call lasts about three minutes, with Julia saying she just arrived home from work and detailing how there’s “blood coming from her her heard” and a “bullet hole in our front door.” Jennifer Hudson took the stand last week and broke down in tears when shown a photo of her mother. She then exited the courtroom a day later when attorneys broke out a picture of her nephew’s corpse.

See the original post here:
911 Call of Jennifer Hudson’s Sister Released, Heartbreaking

Octomom: Bankrupt!

Nadya Suleman is officially insolvent. Like for real broke. Octomom filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy today in federal court, just one month after going on welfare. Apparently public assistance didn’t go far enough. The bankruptcy filing confirms what we pretty much already knew – that the mom of 14 is carrying a mountain of debt she has no hope of paying off. Chapter 7 is the most serious form of bankruptcy , so although it isn’t specified in public records how much Octomom owes and to whom … it’s clearly a lot. And she’s flat broke. Her house, which was in such horrendous condition last week that police investigated her for child endangerment, will be auctioned off . Suleman has struggled with her finances for years, which isn’t a big shock if you do the quick math: 14 kids + 0 jobs + 0 partner = deep financial crap. It’s all very sad, and begs the question … Should her kids be taken away?

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Octomom: Bankrupt!

Jimmy Kimmel Reacts to White House Correspondents Dinner Speech, Love for George Clooney

He mocked the size of President Obama’s ears, the libido of the Secret Service and, of course, Kim Kardashian . So how did Jimmy Kimmel feel about his speech at the annual White House Correspondents Dinner Saturday night? The talk show host told Entertainment Weekly he thought he was “solid,” adding: “The President and the First Lady both said they thought it was very funny.” Jimmy Kimmel White House Correspondents Dinner Speech Kimmel also said it was the second “most terrified” he’s ever been, following his first appearance with David Letterman and, as you might expect, it’s a “very strange room” in which to use material. “One person told me afterward they were scared to laugh at a joke because they were sitting next to [House Majority Leader] Eric Cantor, who I didn’t even realize was there,” Kimmel said . “She didn’t want him to see her laughing at a joke I made about him. Half the people on any given joke have to keep [the laughter] to themselves.” As for President Obama’s speech ? It was “very good, very funny,” the comedian said, although a certain actor in attendance drew more attention than the Commander-in-Chief. “George Clooney is far more popular than any person in Washington D.C.,” Jimmy said. “They were pushing people back [from him]. It was starting to get crazy.”

Go here to see the original:
Jimmy Kimmel Reacts to White House Correspondents Dinner Speech, Love for George Clooney

Miley Cyrus Urges America: Feed the Hungry!

Miley Cyrus has recorded a new Public Service Announced on behalf of Feeding America. In the spot, the actress/singer takes on the role of Rickey, a former member of the Army Reserve who is trying to start a career and struggling not only with that difficult task, but also with finding a meal in general. Miley is one of many celebrity chipping in to this important cause. Others telling the stories of real-life, poverty-stricken Americans included Matt Damon, Ben Affleck, Taye Diggs and Ana Ortiz. Watch the PSA now: Miley Cyrus PSA (Feeding America) And visit the official Feeding America website to contribute.

Read more here:
Miley Cyrus Urges America: Feed the Hungry!

Jimmy Kimmel at White House Correspondents Dinner: Mr. President, Salaam…

Mr. President, Salaam. That’s how Jimmy Kimmel kicked off his hilarious 25-minute speech at last night’s White House Correspondents Dinner, an annual event that brings reporters together with celebrities and features a humor-based segment by both an emcee and the President himself. You can follow this link to watch Obama lay into Mitt Romney , Donald Trump and even himself – and then you can check out the following video to see Kimmel go off on Sofia Vergara’s cleavage; Obama’s ears; the Kardashians; the Secret Service scandal and much more. Enjoy! Jimmy Kimmel White House Correspondents Dinner Speech

Originally posted here:
Jimmy Kimmel at White House Correspondents Dinner: Mr. President, Salaam…