Tag Archives: secret-service

David Eason: Caught Cheating on Jenelle Evans?!

If you're a Teen Mom 2 fan, then you're probably already aware that David Eason and Jenelle Evans don't have the most stable relationship. In fact, in the past six months alone, Jenelle accused David of assault; David received a visit from the Secret Service for issuing violent threats online, and as always, the Department of Child and Family Services took a keen interest in the Easons and their ability to raise children. The current season of TM2 has shown us that David recently became a major threat to Jenelle's career by menacing crew members while she's trying to film. ( Eason was fired from the show last year after launching a bigoted tirade against fans on social media.) So it didn't come as much of a surprise when Jenelle announced that she's single over the weekend. Of course, we've been down this road before, and these two always reconcile, usually within a day or two. This time, however, those who are rooting for Jenelle to stick to her guns and kick David to the curb have discovered some encouraging news on Eason's Facebook page. Take a look: 1. The Easons On the current season of Teen Mom 2, Jenelle often bursts into tears while defending David. But a lot has changed in the months since the season was filmed. 2. All the Single Ladies On Saturday, Jenelle changed her relationship status to “Separated” and posted that she’s “Single AF” on Facebook. 3. Not Thrilled About It As you can see, Jenelle was not in the greatest spirits over the weekend — but it looks as though she’s sticking to her guns. 4. Leaving the Land In fact, it seems she doesn’t know where David is at the moment — and doesn’t particularly care. 5. Also Single AF David quietly changed his relationship status to “Single” after Jenelle revealed she’s on the market. 6. Going the Extra Mile Yes, David took things one step further than Jenelle, who only switched her status to “Separated.” View Slideshow

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David Eason: Caught Cheating on Jenelle Evans?!

David Eason Quits Facebook Following Transphobic Rant

David Eason's social media options are beginning to dwindle. After receiving a visit from the Secret Service for making violent threats to various elected officials, Eason was temporarily locked out of his Instagram account. He made the move over to YouTube, where he attracted negative legal attention once again, this time for illegally towing a stranger's truck. After that, David began spewing his bigoted nonsense on Facebook, but after an appallingly transphobic comment earned David some much-deserved backlash, he apparently turned tail and deleted his account. Take a look: 1. David the Bigot David has made never made any effort to conceal his bigoted worldview. 2. Shameless Astonishingly, he has no problem with exposing himself as the homophobic white supremacist that he is — but he gets very upset when people call him out as such. 3. A History of Hate David was fired from Teen Mom 2 back in February of 2018 after launching a homophobic tirade against fans of the show on Instagram. 4. Not Learning From His Mistakes Sadly, David will probably never change his belief system, but you would think after getting kicked to the curb by MTV, he would at least start keeping his thoughts to himself. 5. Nope! David went on the offensive again last week, this time attacking the transgender community on Facebook. 6. The Ugliness Begins “Serious question, what would you do if one of your kids came to you and said, ‘Dad I think I should be a boy/girl?'” a user asked David. View Slideshow

David Eason Quits Facebook Following Transphobic Rant

David Eason Calls For MTV Boycott Amid Bizarre Rumors About His Sex Life

We spent much of the past year thinking there's nothing that Jenelle Evans and David Eason could do that would shock us. And they spent that same stretch of time repeatedly proving us wrong. Assault accusations? Dozens of CPS investigations? A visit from the Secret Service ? You name it, it went down on The Land in 2018. Foolishly, we thought there was no way the Easons could top the insanity in 2019. But David has proven us wrong right out of the gate. Take a look: 1. David on the Land David has been in a downward spiral ever since he closed out 2018 with a bizarre incident in which he seemed to threaten physical violence against several high-profile elected officials. 2. Biting the Hand That Feeds Him For reasons that remain unclear, David seems to be hellbent on getting Jenelle fired from her cushy, six-figure job. 3. Menacing Dave There have been reports of David stalking and harassing crew members as they attempt to film Jenelle’s segments for the show. (David was fired last from Teen Mom 2 last year.) 4. Unhinged According to a report from The Ashley’s Reality Roundup, several crew members have threatened to quit the show over concerns about David’s violent tendencies. 5. Playing It Safe “After the first video [of David threatening to shoot trespassers who came on The Land] incident, several of them said they will no longer accept shoots with Jenelle, because they are downright scared to go anywhere near her, out of fear of what David may do,” a source told The Ashley. 6. Scary Situation “There are some people who no longer feel safe going down there anymore because David has made it clear that he does not like the people from MTV, and that he has a ton of weapons,” the insider continued. View Slideshow

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David Eason Calls For MTV Boycott Amid Bizarre Rumors About His Sex Life

Jenelle Evans Gives Son a Gun for Christmas. Seriously.

Jenelle Evans will never, ever learn. “What won’t she learn?” you may be wondering to yourself, if you’re not overly familiar with Jenelle Evans. The answer, dear friends, is “literally anything.” Jenelle has been acting a fool on television for years and years at this point, and while she does change from time to time, she never gets better. Back in the day, she smoked too much weed and ditched her son, Jace, with her mother, who she treated like garbage. After that, she got into several abusive relationships and developed an addiction to heroin. She had another kid, Kaiser, with another jackass, even though she still hadn’t gotten back custody of Jace. And when that relationship went south, as they always do, she hooked up with David Eason shortly after, and now here we are. In the darkest of times. Since she’s been with David, she’s slowly turned into a gun-loving Trump supporter with aggression problems and a knack for picking fights at any given opportunity . So basically, she’s turned into David. The problem is that David himself has been getting worse and worse as time goes on. When he and Jenelle started dating, he was a lot like her previous guys — he had a couple of restraining orders against him, and he’d spent some time in the local jail. But now he’s he’s being investigated by the Secret Service for seemingly threatening the president’s life, so … There was a bit of a jump there, yeah. See, so much of David and Jenelle’s descent into madness has had to do with guns. The Secret Service mess, that time she nearly got herself killed by following a stranger home and pulling a gun on him because of road rage … The list goes on, but boy, do these people not know how to be responsible gun owners. And that’s why a lot of people don’t really love the fact that they gave Jace a gun for Christmas. Yeah, it’s a toy gun, and that’s a lot better than getting him an assault rifle just like his stepdaddy’s . Lots of kids have toy guns, but lots of kids don’t have David Eason as a parental figure, you know? But in addition to gifting the toy gun, David also shared a video of Jace shooting a real gun on Snapchat yesterday. For Teen Mom fans, none of these things are good ideas. Over on Twitter, one person wrote that she was “concerned” that everything that’s been going on “is going to give Jace ideas on how they might become proud of him if he does something with these guns.” “Don’t get me wrong, I’m pro gun, but under the right circumstances,” another person said. “These are NOT the right circumstances.” “I could see when J & D get in a huge fight, Jace going to get one of David’s guns, loading it and shooting David to protect Jenelle.” Someone else tweeted “If I was Barb I would not let Jace go over and I’d take it to court, she has primary custody & gets to make the decision if he can handle a gun or not.” “David is not stable and I’m sorry but Jace has to have psychological issues going on with all this sh-t in his life.” There are tons and tons of concerns with pretty much everything going on in Jenelle’s home, but this really is a huge one. Even if Barbara, who does have full custody of Jace , is fine with him shooting guns and playing with toy guns, it’s sort of surprising she’s not taking action after the whole Secret Service mess. View Slideshow: Teen Mom 2 Trailer: Jenelle Evans’ Marriage Implodes, Leah Finds Love, Adam Still Sucks & Much More!! Let’s just … let’s just hope for the best for this poor kid, OK? With the parents he has, he’s going need all the well wishes he can get.

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Jenelle Evans Gives Son a Gun for Christmas. Seriously.

David Eason Gives Jenelle a Bath, Instagram Users Recoil in Abject Horror

Strange things are taking place on Jenelle Evans' aluminum shed-strewn country estate known affectionately as The Land. The amazing thing about Jenelle and David Eason is that their lives are so absurd that even though he's been fired from Teen Mom 2 and she won't be appearing in new episodes until next month, there's still so much drama in their lives that it can be hard to keep up. Fortunately, we're here to help. In case you haven't heard, today has been one for the books, with Jenelle lashing out at her bosses, bragging about her physique and receiving a sponge bath from her husband for some reason. Take a look: 1. Life on the Land Ever since October, Jenelle and David have been locked into the sort of downward spiral that’s usually reserved for iconic rock musicians who have recently celebrated their 27th birthday. 2. The Incident It started with Jenelle accusing David of assaulting her, then quickly backpedaling on that claim. 3. The Right Move Not long after, Jenelle and David briefly broke up, but alas, they’ve since gotten back together. 4. One Angry Guy From there, the situation deteriorated rapidly, thanks in large part to David’s bizarre social media activity. 5. David’s Got Some Guns Eason even received a visit from the Secret Service last week after posting violent threats about Donald Trump, Nancy Pelosi, and other elected officials. 6. Taking a Break? You’d think after so much insanity over a period of just a few weeks, David and Jenelle would keep a low profile for a few days. View Slideshow

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David Eason Gives Jenelle a Bath, Instagram Users Recoil in Abject Horror

David Eason SLAMMED for Disgusting, Disrespectul Statement on Jenelle Evans

Wow, David Eason is really going out of his way to be super awful, huh? You have to wonder how he even has this much time on his hands, really. In addition to being such a terrifying human being that the actual Secret Service had to pay him a visit, he's exercising his nastiness by making comments about his own wife, Jenelle Evans. And boy, are they nasty … 1. Here We Go So … yeah, there’s been a lot going on lately for these two, huh? 2. Hmmmm … It’s hard to pick an exact point when things started going downhill for them since that’s been happening pretty much since the day they met, but let’s think … 3. Ah You know, there’s pretty much no denying that things took a significant turn after that 911 call from Jenelle made the rounds back in October. 4. Warning: Not Safe for Life If you haven’t heard the call yet, well, lucky you, but here it is: in this recording, we hear Jenelle sobbing hysterically and telling the 911 operator that her husband abused her and she thinks he may have broken a bone. 5. Just Heartbreaking Everyone who listened to the recording agreed that she seemed genuinely terrified and just beside herself, and that she’s just not a good enough actress to make all that up. 6. Huh She never addressed the call itself, but she’s insisted that David never laid a hand on her, and for a while, they went out of their way to act all lovey dovey with each other. View Slideshow

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David Eason SLAMMED for Disgusting, Disrespectul Statement on Jenelle Evans

CNN Sues Donald Trump Over First & Fifth Amendment Rights

Source: Visions of America / Getty Looks like we will see a court battle over First Amendment rights and the Presidency. CNN and reporter Jim Acosta have filed a lawsuit against Donald Trump and some in his administration. CNN says that Trump, Chief Of Staff, General John Kelly, Deputy Chief Of Staff William Shine, Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders and the Secret Service violated correspondent Jim Acosta’s First Amendment rights of freedom of the press and Fifth Amendment rights to due process after revoking the reporter’s press pass. Acosta has been one of the most vocal reporters in media about the Trump Administrations policies. CNN also requests court grant immediate return of Acosta’s press pass. BREAKING: CNN says it is suing President Trump and top Trump aides, alleging they have violated CNN correspondent Jim Acosta's First Amendment rights of freedom of the press and Fifth Amendment rights to due process; requests court grant immediate return of Acosta’s press pass. pic.twitter.com/oyEQygb9Tq — NBC News (@NBCNews) November 13, 2018

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CNN Sues Donald Trump Over First & Fifth Amendment Rights

Trump Secret Service Agent Says She’s Not Taking Any Bullets For The Cheeto-In-Charge

Trump Secret Service Agent Says She Won’t Defend The President Man…even Trump’s bodyguards are on some “not my president” mentality . One of President Trump’s secret service agents publicly declared that if anything pops off to threaten the new Commander in Chief…she pretty much plans to step back and let it occur, since she was here for Hillary anyway . According to TMZ , she was so bold in her claims that she went so far as to post it on FB: The senior agent from the Denver field office went on a Facebook rant that has since been deleted … confessing she was rooting for Hillary and would take jail over a bullet for the new POTUS. The agent wrote, “But this world has changed and I have changed. And I would take jail time over a bullet or an endorsement for what I believe to be disaster to this country and the strong and amazing women and minorities who reside here. Hatch Act be damned. I am with Her.” Secret Service agents aren’t even legally permitted to speak on their personal political beliefs publicly…so that jail time she spoke of might just be coming more quickly than she imagined. Damn, you know it’s bad when your own security hates you so much they refuse to keep you secure at all. AP/Getty

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Trump Secret Service Agent Says She’s Not Taking Any Bullets For The Cheeto-In-Charge

Will You Be Watching? Charlie Murphy Joins The Cast Of ‘Power’

Charlie Murphy Featured On New Season Of “Power” Charlie Murphy is getting an acting stint on a popular show. The comedian is joining the cast of “Power” as a correctional officer for season 4. Murphy’s character will interact closely with Ghost ( Omari Hardwick ) who’s currently behind bars. EW reports: EW has learned exclusively that Charlie Murphy, best known for his work in Meet the Blacks, Chappelle’s Show, and oh, being related to Eddie Murphy, will join the fourth season of Power on Starz. Murphy will play Marshal Williams opposite James “Ghost” St. Patrick (Omari Hardwick), a wealthy nightclub owner-cum-drug lord who will start season 4 behind bars. Power, which is executive produced by Curtis “50 Cent” Jackson and Courtney A. Kemp (The Good Wife) returns this summer on the heels of Ghost’s highly publicized arrest for the murder of FBI Agent Greg Knox — a crime he did not commit. His fight for redemption brings him face-to-face with the Feds, the media, new allies, and old foes. Will you be watching??? STARZ

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Will You Be Watching? Charlie Murphy Joins The Cast Of ‘Power’

Oh Banger: ‘Kini-Clad Sasha Obama Makes Waves In Miami

Sasha Obama Flosses Bikini Bawwwwwwdy In Miami President Barack Obama’s beautiful 15-year-old daughter Sasha turned heads in Miami Saturday with a jaunt to the beach with friends. Sasha wore a black bikini but kept on print shorts to cover up. Secret Service were on hand, of course. Hit the flip for more photos and please keep it classy in the comments! Let’s not forget Sasha is only 15! SplashNews

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Oh Banger: ‘Kini-Clad Sasha Obama Makes Waves In Miami