As you may already know, Joe Giudice has a bit of a drinking problem . In fact, Juicy Joe loves the juice so much that he’s admitted his boozing may have led to some of the poor decisions that now have him facing a 41-month prison sentence . In an odd twist, however, the same addiction that’s got Joe headed for the clink may lead to his sentence being delayed. According to Radar Online Giudice might be headed to rehab , despite the fact that he’s scheduled to turn himself in to authorities next month. “He was always home. He wasn’t driving. But he drinks a lot. He’s gonna get into, God willing, the right alcohol program,” Teresa said in a recent interview. Many felt that the sudden concern about Joe’s alcoholism was part of an effort to get his sentence pushed back. If that was the case, it appears the Giudices have now given up on that long shot campaign and have resigned themselves to the fact that Joe will most likely be seeking treatment from behind prison walls. “I want him to do a program; let’s just leave it at that,” Teresa recently clarified while speaking with People magazine. She also stated that Joe’s boozing never interfered with his duties as a husband or father, and she’s merely concerned that he’s putting his health at risk: “He’s not abusive or anything, thank God, but he drinks every day,” Teresa said. “That’s not good. It’s not good for your liver.” So Joe cheats on Teresa and generally acts like a lazy a-hole all the time, but it’s not because of his drinking. Good to know. View Slideshow: 23 Teresa Giudice GIFs That Should Worry Her Fellow Inmates (and Everyone Else)
Joe Giudice: Headed to Rehab Before Prison?