Remember that crazy story about a convict hiring a hitman to kill and castrate Justin Bieber ? KOAT 7 News in Albuquerque has actually obtained the phone call placed in November by Dana Martin – who is serving consecutive life sentences for raping/murdering a 15-year old girl – to Tanner Ruane. In it ,Martin orders Ruance and an accomplice named Mark Staake to carry out this horrendous deed, telling him: “[Mark’s] going to kill the pitbulls and you’re going to castrate them.” The “pitbulls” is code for Bieber and his bodyguards. Martin was reportedly obsessed with Bieber, and also known for a specific way of killing his victims. He actually describes it in chilling detail on the call, referring to a neck tie and saying: “Tie it really really tight. Knot it in the front once, really tight, put it in a knot. That cuts off the oxygen, and then tie it in the back again, really tight. That seals the deal.” The killings were scheduled to take place in New York City soon after this exchange went down, but Ruane and Staake were intercepted by police before anything could happen. Scary, scary stuff. Listen to the Dana Martin phone call now at KOAT.
See more here:
Justin Bieber Hitman Call: Released, Chilling