Through a pair of live X Factor episodes, the best thing about Khloe Kardashian as host is clear: Her nipples. They were the talk of Wednesday night, as Simon Cowell pointed out the clear view he had of these body parts from the judges’ table, and they were also the topic of conversation yesterday when Khloe spoke to reporters. “I was supposed to wear this yesterday,” Kardashian said, referring to the blue dress she donned for the Results Show . “And it was not tailored enough, annnnd I wore the other thing…” But the San Francisco Giants’ swept of the World Series, Fox changed around its schedule a bit and Mother Nature even interfered. “With the hurricane, all the stuff I wanted to wear was stuck on the east coast. We did not have time to do a full dress rehearsal in our clothes,” Khloe explained, saying she had “no idea” her breasts would be that apparent. Kardashian added that the incident stressed her our. She wondered: ‘Am I gonna be fired because of my boobs?’ Silly, Khloe. Of course not. You basically got hired for them. What do you think of Kardashian so far? Grade her as host: A B C D F View Poll »
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Khloe Kardashian Talks Nip Slip, Partially Blames Hurricane Sandy