It’s safe to assume no one would pay for the rights to the Kim Kardashian music video . Seriously, that thing is a joke. But Vivid Entertainment Chairman Steve Hirsch has confirmed to TMZ that, yes, a mysterious buyer is trying to remove the Kim Kardashian sex tape from the open market. Would he give the video up, like Kim gave up her precious flower to Ray J and then acted like it wasn’t a PR ploy all along? Yes, for a high price. “Based on its long term value, it looks like $30 million would be a starting point for a discussion on all of the rights,” Hirsch told the site, adding that he has “no idea” if Kim is behind the offer, like Ray J was behind her, thrusting, during key moments of the tape. We’ll keep readers apprised of this negotiation, but we want to know: How much would you pay for these rights?
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Kim Kardashian Sex Tape to Sell For…