As has been well documented over the past several weeks, all is not calm, cool or even collected within the Sister Wives universe. There’s a whole lot of in-fighting taking place between the Browns. There was that whole catfishing scandal surrounding Meri, which prompted rumors that she would split from Kody … … which was followed by talk that Kody ad Robyn may be done for good. But while the relationship between Kody and his four better halves may have seen better days, there’s one connection in this reality star’s life that is as strong as ever: The bond between Kody and daughter Mariah. Yes, even in the face of a bombshell dropped by Mariah on last week’s installment of Sister Wives. As you can see below when you watch Sister Wives online , Mariah came out to her family as gay: Watch Sister Wives Season 11 Episode 6 Online Soon afterwards, Mariah took to Twitter and thanked a majority of her fans and followers. “wow okay y’all making me cry with your support. thank you thank you thank you thank you,” she Tweeted last Monday. But we still weren’t sure how Mariah’s famous family members were going to react. On last night’s episode, Kody admitted that he was “in a state of shock processing” everything that Mariah said about her sexuality, which included the following admission: “It’s always been there – it’s always been something I pushed away because I was scared. I think my biggest fear has always been to be gay. “So I didn’t let myself accept it because it was wrong – I was told [by members of the church] that it was wrong and that I would be a bad person.” Said Kody at one point: “We’re not happy Mariah’s gay; we’re happy Mariah knows herself.” He then went into more detail on Twitter. “A surprise to me. Required some deep thought,” Kody wrote of his reaction to the news. “After checking to see if she was sure, I just needed her to know she was safe.” The reality star added that The Big Man Upstairs made acceptance a lot easier. “God has prepared my heart and mind for 15 years. Now @mariahlian can feel safe being openly gay with our family.” Later on in the evening, Kody credited Charles Dickens for helping to open his mind, while also saying it’s sad that some of his “gay friends lose their religion.” He supposedly told one to start his own “church fellowship.” Say what you want about Kody Brown (we certainly have) and his unusual family dynamic. But he appears to have struggled with his daughter’s sexuality, eventually realizing that she’s happy with who she is and that’s all that matters. So some credit must be given to Brown for arriving at that conclusion. Click on the video below to view this episode in its entirety and see how all the relatives react to Mariah’s emotional confession: Watch Sister Wives Season 11 Episode 7 Online
Read the original post:
Kody Brown: This is Why I Accept My Gay Daughter