This morning, Kris Jenner spoke about Bruce Jenner sex change rumors on the Today show. As always, Kris denied that Bruce is transitioning into presenting as a woman and dismissed the speculation as “silly.” Later in the day, however, when asked about Bruce’s gender identity by Entertainment Tonight’s Nancy O’Dell, Kris seemed much less certain (and far more evasive) in her response: “I don’t know what he’s going through right now,” Kris answered vaguely. “I think he’s just very happy and I think every time he makes a change in his life whether it’s emotional or physical or whatever he’s doing, somebody’s going to comment.” Reports that Bruce is planning a sex change have been circulating for years, but a number of factors have led to increased speculation in recent months. Some sources indicated that Kris Jenner filed for divorce after Bruce revealed that he had begun hormone therapy. Along with the divorce, changes in Jenner’s appearance in recent weeks have led many to assume that the legendary Olympian has begun his long-anticipated transition. 17 Bruce Jenner Pics: Through the Years 1. Bruce Jenner Olympics Photo Bruce in his hey day. He certainly has changed a lot since then. Kris’ non-committal response to questions about Bruce will likely be taken as a confirmation that Bruce plans to begin presenting as a female in the near future. It’s important to note, however, that Kris simply said she doesn’t know what’s going on with Bruce these days, which makes sense as their divorce is rumored to be growing increasingly bitter. Sources state that Bruce is dating Rhonda Kamihira – one of Kris’ closest friends. Could Kris be attempting to subtly slander Bruce, or is she simply conceding that she has little contact with her ex these days? Either way, Bruce will likely be under more scrutiny than ever in the coming days. 11 Photos of Bruce Jenner Looking Sort of Like a Woman 1. Bruce Jenner with a Ponytail How long is Bruce Jenner’s hair these days? He can easily wear is in a ponytail.
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Kris Jenner Confesses: I Don’t Know If Bruce is Getting a Sex Change!