Kristen Stewart describes her nude scene in On The Road not as “brave” as some call it, but merely as what was required of her as an actress and for the role. “I hate when people go, ‘Oh, wow, great performance. So brave,'” she told The Huffington Post . Kristen Stewart On the Road Clips “Oh, because I’m naked? That’s very annoying. But at the same time, if that’s what they’re focusing on , then On the Road probably isn’t for them anyway.” The 22-year-old said the occasional nudity of teenage bride Marylou in the movie adaptation of Jack Kerouac’s classic novel is not the main takeaway from the film. Stewart, having read the 1957 book, connected with it and wanted to do the role justice. “This book celebrates being alive and it celebrates being human, and if you want to cover up and deny any aspect of that, you are denying the spirit of the book,” she said. If it means feeling rewarded by a project, then getting nude and offering two guys hand relief at the same time, as she does in one memorable clip, is nothing for her. “I need to be so rocked by something, so moved by something that the idea of letting it down or ruining it is painful, and that’s what gets you through the shoot,” she said. “If you start considering what people are going to think, you’ll never make a movie.”
See the article here:
Kristen Stewart: Nude On the Road Scene Not "Brave"