A woman named Eleonore is looking for work after quitting her latest gig. Why quit your job in this economy? She was a personal assistant to the chick below. Now it makes sense. Looks like one more person hates Lindsay Lohan ! Here’s the troubling thing, though, and not just for Eleonore or the nation’s swelling unemployment ranks: Lindsay’s friends worry this means serious trouble . Eleonore was not just Lindsay’s assistant, but a lifeline, a girl who helped keep her from totally unraveling. Now that she’s gone, well, it should be interesting. Without an assistant, which has become harder and harder for her to find, friends say Lindsay Lohan will never keep her appointments or stay on track at all. That could make the difference between freedom and jail, too. Maybe Ali Lohan can formally assume the role of Lindsay’s lackey . Here’s just one example: Lindsay is legally prohibited from driving and relies on her assistant to take her here and there, including her alcohol ed courses. Lindsay is also incredibly disorganized – incapable of scheduling meetings, projects, even doctor’s appointments – without someone leading her by the nose. Eleonore quit Wednesday, having lasted a few months before she became “exhausted” and walked because she had “had enough of Lindsay’s demands.” Lindsay would often force Eleonore to stay with her for days on end, then blame her when things went wrong. The train wrecks are always blaming others . The job didn’t pay much either. So what was the appeal? At the end of the day, it just makes us thankful for our own interns. We’re going to be nicer to them, THG’s Twitter and Facebook are really coming along.
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Lindsay Lohan Assistant Quits, Star’s Crises Deepen