Lindsay Lohan bikini photos have been all over the Internet recently, and like the ongoing Ebola crisis in Africa, it seems there’s nothing we can do about them. But while early victims of the outbreak reported booze belly and saggy side boob sightings that seemed to signify the end of our species, the more recently afflicted seem less devastated and more confused. Those who have set eyes upon the photo above, for example, can’t believe what they see. Where are the billions of freckles? The prominent booze belly? The overwhelming sense of sadness that comes from seeing a once-hot 28-year-old stricken with Betty Whit boobs? There’s only one possible explanation for this: Lindsay made a deal with the Devil and he taught her to use Photoshop. She really should’ve just asked for a new body. This all a very roundabout way of saying that we think Lindsay actually looks good here. That said, she’s getting a lot of help from the lighting, the pose, the fact that this is probably take 75. In case you’ve lost count, this is about week 15 of Lindsay’s never-ending European vacation. No word on when she plans to return to the States, or whole long she’ll have to be quarantined before she’s allowed to reenter the population. Lindsay Lohan Bikini Photos! 1. Lindsay Lohan Bikini Image Linds rocks a bikini in Italy. She’s certainly looked better!
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Lindsay Lohan Posts New Bikini Selfie: Actually Looking Good?!