Luke Parker: Just Who is This Bachelorette Villain?!?

They say that you never get a second chance to make a first impression. But might Hannah Brown soon be having second thoughts about the man to whom she gave her first impression rose ? Allow us to explain… On last Monday’s season premiere of The Bachelorette , Hannah Brown was quickly swept off her feet by Luke Parker, a 24-year old import/export manager who did not lack for confidence. He proudly displayed his shirtless torso during his introductory video, saying on air: “I think I’m a good looking guy. When I was in college, a lot of the girls around me thought so, too.” We’ve since learned that Parker graduated from Faulkner University, which is located in Montgomery, Alabama — which is the same state Brown excitedly calls home. So The Bachelorette and this aspiring husband have that important detail in common. (Roll Tide!) Parker, however, went on to explain on this opening episode how he had a revelation one day while taking a shower. He said that God spoke to him and basically told him to stop being a player and start looking to settle down. “I realized that I wasn’t the man I wanted to be and I’ve been working on the husband that I want to be for my future wife,” he explained on the premiere. This sounds quite promising and certainly paints Parker as a profound, religious individual… if you’re buying it. A number of viewers thought such a statement and such a claim was pure BS, however, as evidenced by their disdain for Parker on social media. “I know this type of guy; cute, says the right things, makes you fall fast, feels just right but then becomes extremely possessive when he really has you,” Tweeted one Luke Parker critic, adding: “Can see why he’s villain in this season.” At one point in an extended trailer for The Bachelorette (below), Parker also says he’s madly in love with Brown. Yes, this is the goal of the show, of course, but cynical fans think Luke is the type to just say anything to get in well with Hannah; by which we mean, get into her pants. “There’s no possible way he is falling in Love at this point. He’s proving he’s just a smooth talker. You have to watch for them. #run,” Tweeted a viewer in response to this footage. You can take a look here for yourself and judge Parker’s sincerity. Or lackthereof. Hannah Brown Confesses to Intercourse in Shocking Bachelorette Preview What else do we know about this front-running suitor? Luke went through a bad breakup about a year before he was on The Bachelorette, which is when his brother’s wife decided to sign im up for the program. “I was like…I’m going to apply Luke for the show and just see what happens,” she explained to the Gainesville Times. “[I was] thinking he had no chance of getting on the show.” Alas, he’s here now. And former Bachelor star Nick Viall is randomly pissed about it . The Bachelorette Trailer: Tears, Tension and Stripteases “The world’s full of the less fortunate and people in need, but no, [God] took the time to visit Luke P. in the shower because he was getting too much sex,” Viall said on a podcast last week, doubting the story outlined above. “I really f-cking hate him,” Viall added. “He’s a terrible human being.” Well… okay then! We know how Viall feels about Parker, but how will Brown feel about him? Will she choose him to be her husband? Check out the slideshow below to get a look at some major The Bachelorette spoilers ! View Slideshow: The Bachelorette Spoilers: Check Out Hannah Brown’s Final THREE! [UPDATED]

Originally posted here:
Luke Parker: Just Who is This Bachelorette Villain?!?

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