Liam Hemsworth appears to have recovered from the recent wrecking ball that smashed his marriage to bits. About two months after the actor and Miley Cyrus pulled the plug on their union, the former has been spotted out for the first time with someone new. Someone new who is a female with whom he’s likely sleeping, that is. Photos have emerged online of Hemsworth holding hands with Maddison Brown, who’s a 22-year old actress likely best known for her current role on The CW’s mediocre drama Dynasty. They were seen having a meal at Sant Ambroeus in the West Village before going on a stroll down the New York City sidewalk. Hemsworth, of course, dated Cyrus off and on for about 10 years, prior to taking observers by surprise when he tied the knot with this superstar late last year in Tennessee. They separated eight months later. Cyrus went straight from Hemsworth into the arms of Kaitlynn Carter and is now dating Cody Simpson . She and her fellow artist and openly kissing and snuggling on Instagram these days. Hemsworth, however, hasn’t said much about his failed relationship with Cyrus and likely won’t be issuing any statements about Brown any time soon, either. But we’ve learned via the Internet that Brown is an Australian transplant who stars on the aforementioned CW reboot as Kirby Anders, the daughter of the main family’s chief steward. The character returns after being sent away and framed for arson as a child. She made her debut in the second season and is set to feature in the third. Here is a photo of Brown from the show: The actress’s only other television credit came in 2016, when she portrayed the younger version of Elizabeth Debicki’s character in the Australian show The Kettering Incident. Brown’s only movie credit so far is 2015’s Strangerland, in which she played Nicole Kidman‘s daughter. She told Women’s Wear Daily of working with the Oscar winner: “I was nervous but she was so warm and lovely. Nicole is someone who wants to nurture and support young actors and it was such a relief to be able to connect with her in a real way. “I’ve heard stories about more established actors not taking too kindly to young talent, but with Nicole, it was nothing like that.” Brown also works as a model and often posts shots of her campaigns on Instagram, where she has garnered over 450,000 followers. She’s modeled for brands such as Calvin Klein, Jason Wu and Marchesa. It’s not clear whether Liam and Maddison are truly serious or merely spending naked time together. Could just be a casual fling, you know? For his part, Hemsworth has only addressed the Miley breakup on one occasion: with an Instagram post after the two had ended their marriage. He officially filed for divorce from the singer just days later. “Hi all, Just a quick note to say that Miley and I have recently separated and I wish her nothing but health and happiness going forward,” Liam captioned a shot of a beach sunset this summer. We wish him the best.
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Maddison Brown: Who is Liam Hemsworth’s Hot New Squeeze?