As this iconic Megan Fox nude photo proves, Megan Fox is not shy about her body. However, the actress has gone to great lengths to protect her private life of late, especially since having two sons with husband Brian Austin Green. But during an appearance on Ellen today, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles star finally gave the world a look at the two most important young men in her life: Bodhi, 2 months, and Noah, 19 months. And the kids disappoint in the cuteness department, as you can see here: Megan Fox Debuts Baby Pics on Ellen “The first time I was here, I was pregnant and no one knew it. And then the second time, I’d just had my baby, but I got pregnant again,” Fox told the host, joking: “You’re sort of like a fertility good luck charm.” The actress also admitted that neither pregnancy was planned, quipping: “We can’t let Brian near me anymore.” That’s sort of understandable, though, isn’t it? Has Megan Fox seen this collection of Megan Fox pictures ? Check out a bunch of other memorable Ellen moments and segments here: 23 Great Moments in Ellen History Open Slideshow 1. Rebel Wilson and Ellen DeGeneres – “Watching Cats on the Internet” Rebel Wilson and Ellen DeGeneres perform a track here off their album, “White Ladies Rapping.” Sit back and enjoy “Watching Cats on the Internet” now! View As List 1. Rebel Wilson and Ellen DeGeneres – “Watching Cats on the Internet” Rebel Wilson and Ellen DeGeneres perform a track here off their album, “White Ladies Rapping.” Sit back and enjoy “Watching Cats on the Internet” now! 2. Zac Efron to Ellen: Happy Birthday! Ellen DeGeneres is a very lucky woman. Watch Zac Efron serenade her for her birthday here. 3. Kim Kardashian Gets a New Bikini Kim Kardashian talks Christmas cards and bikinis in this chat with Ellen. Watch the star get a new bathing suit now. 4. Ellen DeGeneres Defends Marriage, Slams Tabloids Ellen DeGeneres is very happy in her marriage. She makes that very clear in this monologue, slamming a Star magazine report. 5. Ellen DeGeneres Christmas Card Reveal Ellen DeGeneres unveils her Christmas Card in this video. You MUST see what it looks like.
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Megan Fox Debuts Baby Photos on Ellen: Cuteness Overload!