Actress Leah Remini shared a heartbreaking post to her Instagram on Sunday, revealing that she had “no idea” her father, George Anthony Remini, had passed away a month ago. According to Remini, she and her family knew nothing about his illness leading up to his death, saying, “A funeral came and went and none of us knew anything about it.” The thought of this is devastating, but Leah is using this opportunity to let people know that the Church of Scientology is completely to blame for this tragic outcome . The King of Queens star dreamed of the day she would get to restore her relationship with her father, but thanks to the most controversial religious movements of our time , that opportunity never came. “On Friday, I received a message from my sister Nicole, who had been contacted by a stranger passing on his condolences for the passing of our father,” Remini wrote, alongside throwback photos with her father. “We had no idea that he died a month ago.” Unfortunately, Leah is dealing with the emotions of what could’ve been and wishes he sought forgiveness before his passing. “He was not able to redeem himself, to ask for forgiveness for his failures and hurts, to become a better man to those of us who couldn’t help but love him,” Remini continued. “If you read my book, you’ll know my father and I had a difficult relationship, but I always forgave him with a daughter’s painfully endless love and hope.” Although Remini didn’t agree or support her father’s beliefs, she “hoped he would one day acknowledge what he did to his children,” she said. “That alone would have been healing in its own way. We never got that, yet I can’t help but grieve. I am angry at myself for crying for someone who didn’t ever cry for me.” “I am angry that I still wanted this man’s love,” she added. “I’m angry that the last chapter in our relationship was dictated by Scientology.” Because of Leah’s successful A&E series Leah Remini: Scientology and the Aftermath , the Church often released videos featuring George Remini, who claimed his daughter did not care about her own family and that she refused to help pay for his cancer treatments. Leah easily blames their later estrangement on the church, saying, “Scientology took my dad in as a pawn against me and likely robbed him of any last ounce of heart that might have been left in him.” “I’m angry that Scientology found his personal weak spots and got him on board not with their beliefs but with their smear campaign against me.” “That was his last presence in my life,” she wrote. And while Remini and her sisters will never be able to forgive Scientology , they would’ve open-heartedly forgiven their father…If he just would have tried. “I would have forgiven him as I always did,” she added. “The little girls inside of my sisters and me will never forgive scientology for taking our last chance to have the one thing we always wanted from our father… And that was for him to say ‘I’m sorry and I loved you.'” Remini’s relationship with her father was so broken that on Father’s Day, in 2018, her message praised her husband for being the “daddy [she] wish [she] had.” Leah, 49, was a member of the church for 35 years before finally removing herself publicly in 2013. Since leaving, she has been one of the most outspoken critics of the organization by writing books and creating her popular docuseries. The Scientology community long tried to discredit Remini’s Emmy-winning series and even tried to stop it from airing. However, the show ended on Remini’s terms, with the two-hour finale airing in August. For Leah’s sake, we’re glad that door has closed. Hopefully, she can put that evil energy behind her and move forward with a positive, happy, and healthy lifestyle. We wish the best for her and her family members who are grieving at this time. View Slideshow: 17 Celebrity Scientologists
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Leah Remini: I Blame Scientology For My Dad’s Secret Death