MEGHAN MARKLE IS NOT ACTUALLY PREGNANT AND SHE'S JUST WEARING A FAKE BELLY AND THE ROYAL FAMILY IS ALL COMPLICIT IN CONJURING UP A STUNNING SCHEME TO FOOL THE PUBLIC. So a bunch of social media users think, that is. Is this a crazy conspiracy theory? Or are these supposedly astute observers on to a scandal so salacious that all Great Britain residents will instantly forget about Brexit, everything Piers Morgan says and the allegation that Mel B once slept with Geri Halliwell because they'll be so blown away by this fake pregnancy? Scroll down to learn the genesis of this controversial accusation… 1. The Duchess Sure Looks Pregnant Yes she does. This photo was snapped just a couple weeks ago. But can looks be deceiving? 2. Might Markle Not Actually Be Baby Bumpin? She’s wearing an oversized dress her, just like all expecting mothers — but what does it really prove? What does this picture really depict? 3. What Could This Be If Not an Actual Baby Bump? Easy, these critics claim… a Moon Bump! 4. A WHAT Now?!? A Moon Bump. According to the product’s website, a Moon Bump is a “carefully-crafted, ultra-realistic, fake baby bump [that is] designed for comfort and realism.” 5. Pretty Realistic, Huh? These look like real pregnancy bellies. But the photos are taken from the official Moon Bump website. They are fake. 6. Conspiracy Theorists, Unite! As you can see here, lots of people truly think Markle is rocking a fake belly. “@piersmorgan Hi Piers, in case you have observed, Meghan Markle is coming out of the hotel yesterday in NY and she is not even wearing her prosthetic baby bump,” Tweeted this individual. “Totally fake pregnancy and she is likely using the Arab surrogate of Amal Clooney.” View Slideshow
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Meghan Markle: Is She FAKING Her Pregnancy?!?