Meghan McCain "Disgusted" by Ann Coulter Murder Joke

DING! DING! It is on between Meghan McCain and Ann Coulter. The daughter of John McCain – who is often outspoken about typically Liberal ideas, such as marijuana legalization – went off on the conservative pundit this week after Coulter joked Meghan should be killed. “Apparently, Ann Coulter made a joke about me being killed in a recent column,” McCain Tweeted yesterday. “I should expect nothing less but disgusted regardless.” The reference in question was included in a Coulter column (since deleted by Fox News) titled “Liberals Go Crazy for the Mentally Ill.” It centered on gun control and is still available on Coulter’s website. Wrote Coulter: “MSNBC’s Martin Bashir suggested that Republican senators need to have a member of their families killed for them to support the Democrats’ gun proposals. (Let’s start with Meghan McCain!).” Added McCain of the quip this morning: “People like ann coulter are part of the past and only live to spread hate and negativity. “I literally [c]ouldn’t imagine living a life that seems so void of love, compassion, and perspective. Basically I get to wake up every day wanting to make [t]his world a better place and people like her want to make it a worse place. I feel blessed to have not grown to be a person like that.” And if that wasn’t strong enough, we’ll give Cindy McCain the final say: “@AnnCoulter you are incredible despicable. You want my child @MeghanMcCain to die because she disagrees with you? #no respect #sick#crazy.

The rest is here:
Meghan McCain "Disgusted" by Ann Coulter Murder Joke

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