Meghan McCain: Will She Be Fired From The View?!

The View is one of the most beloved daytime talk shows — hosted by women, of course — who offer their own point of  view  on the day’s news. And while the casual conversations usually escalate into a full-on debate, that is what makes it entertaining, informative and often times very funny.  However, some fans have had enough of co-host Meghan McCain’s perspectives and are begging for her to be fired following a week filled with multiple on-air altercations.  After McCain accused Whoopi Goldberg of finding terrorism “funny” during Tuesday’s episode, Twitter user Aimee Allen decided that she is so over the co-host and took to social media to call for McCain’s firing, according to Pop Culture . “Seriously? When is [The View] going to get rid of McCain???” the viewer asked on Twitter.  “No one claps for her, she doesn’t let anyone else speak but demands to be heard herself and is so annoying.”  Ouch, a tad harsh but also — she’s got a point. While Meghan McCain is the only Republican on the show she obviously brings an extremely different and not so popular side to the table. Of course, it would be hard for her to get her (sometimes offensive) points across — yet viewers wish she could handle her discussions in a more mature manner rather than her often heated and powerful jabs.  Other fans are also calling for the series to drop the former Fox News contributor , who joined The View in 2017 during its 21st season. After the Tuesday altercation, which was prompted during a discussion of Bernie Sanders’ statement that even “terrible people” should have voting rights, a number of viewers took to social media to bash McCain.  “I hope they fire you,” one person wrote. “You’re ruining the show hell I dont even want to watch anymore.” Another commented, “Off topic… I really wish The View would fire Meghan McCain… she makes the show unbearable to watch.” “Bring Nicolle Wallace back… everybody likes her…except Trump and that means she’s doing everything right.” But mind you, Trump definitely does not like the McCains. We all know that. (He also doesn’t like the majority of people — unless you are Kanye West .)  In fact, the family of the late John McCain, who was a longtime Senate colleague of Joe Biden’s, might be backing Biden in the Democratic primary , and if he wins, they may further support him in the general election against Donald Trump.  And although the ABC talk show is known for its frequent heated political discussions and even though McCain may be planning to back former Vice President Biden  — many still believe she  has crossed the line .  After this emotional and drama-filled week — they may be right.  Along with the Tuesday incident, during the “Hot Topics” segment on the Monday, April 22 episode, McCain unleashed when the topic of Special Counsel Robert S. Mueller’s report came up.  McCain told her fellow co-hosts Joy Behar and Sunny Hostin that liberals need to move away from the Mueller report and focus on getting voters to not vote for Trump in the upcoming 2020 election.  The bickering began as McCain went off on a tangent claiming that it will be the Democrats fault when President Trump gets elected again because of their ongoing demonization of Republicans. Sunny Hostin fought back in asking McCain about Republican accountability for Trump’s behavior. McCain refused to answer and rolled her eyes — like a bratty teenager who got her cell phone taken away.  “I always took Trump seriously,” she replied.  “You can go back and check the receipts when I worked at Fox and when I worked on my radio show. I always took Trump seriously.” “This mess that we all got ourselves into, I blame the left as much as the right, and the demonizing of all conservatives in this country, all Trump supporters in every way. You’re getting him re-elected.” Everyone allowed Meghan to speak until she foolishly said: “Trump didn’t collude with Russia.” Immediately Joy shot back and said, “You know that’s not true!” and Sunny ran off a list of Trump’s alleged crimes.  Whoopi shut the conversation up real quick as she sent the show to commercial break. So will Meghan McCain be fired from The View ??  We wouldn’t be surprised but, at the end of the day, Meghan still has plenty of fans out there who love her on the show and think she does a great job at representing conservative values — while also not backing Donald Trump. The show needs that opposite point of view in order to truly reflect all sides.  And if that’s just too much for you — maybe next time you tune in try keeping a bottle of ibuprofen in hand? Or whiskey … if you’re into that kind of thing at 11 a.m. on the weekday.  But at that point — I may suggest just turning the TV off.  View Slideshow: Jenny McCarthy Details Miserable, Hellish Experience on The View

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Meghan McCain: Will She Be Fired From The View?!

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Meghan McCain: Will She Be Fired From The View?!

The View is one of the most beloved daytime talk shows — hosted by women, of course — who offer their own point of  view  on the day’s news. And while the casual conversations usually escalate into a full-on debate, that is what makes it entertaining, informative and often times very funny.  However, some fans have had enough of co-host Meghan McCain’s perspectives and are begging for her to be fired following a week filled with multiple on-air altercations.  After McCain accused Whoopi Goldberg of finding terrorism “funny” during Tuesday’s episode, Twitter user Aimee Allen decided that she is so over the co-host and took to social media to call for McCain’s firing, according to Pop Culture . “Seriously? When is [The View] going to get rid of McCain???” the viewer asked on Twitter.  “No one claps for her, she doesn’t let anyone else speak but demands to be heard herself and is so annoying.”  Ouch, a tad harsh but also — she’s got a point. While Meghan McCain is the only Republican on the show she obviously brings an extremely different and not so popular side to the table. Of course, it would be hard for her to get her (sometimes offensive) points across — yet viewers wish she could handle her discussions in a more mature manner rather than her often heated and powerful jabs.  Other fans are also calling for the series to drop the former Fox News contributor , who joined The View in 2017 during its 21st season. After the Tuesday altercation, which was prompted during a discussion of Bernie Sanders’ statement that even “terrible people” should have voting rights, a number of viewers took to social media to bash McCain.  “I hope they fire you,” one person wrote. “You’re ruining the show hell I dont even want to watch anymore.” Another commented, “Off topic… I really wish The View would fire Meghan McCain… she makes the show unbearable to watch.” “Bring Nicolle Wallace back… everybody likes her…except Trump and that means she’s doing everything right.” But mind you, Trump definitely does not like the McCains. We all know that. (He also doesn’t like the majority of people — unless you are Kanye West .)  In fact, the family of the late John McCain, who was a longtime Senate colleague of Joe Biden’s, might be backing Biden in the Democratic primary , and if he wins, they may further support him in the general election against Donald Trump.  And although the ABC talk show is known for its frequent heated political discussions and even though McCain may be planning to back former Vice President Biden  — many still believe she  has crossed the line .  After this emotional and drama-filled week — they may be right.  Along with the Tuesday incident, during the “Hot Topics” segment on the Monday, April 22 episode, McCain unleashed when the topic of Special Counsel Robert S. Mueller’s report came up.  McCain told her fellow co-hosts Joy Behar and Sunny Hostin that liberals need to move away from the Mueller report and focus on getting voters to not vote for Trump in the upcoming 2020 election.  The bickering began as McCain went off on a tangent claiming that it will be the Democrats fault when President Trump gets elected again because of their ongoing demonization of Republicans. Sunny Hostin fought back in asking McCain about Republican accountability for Trump’s behavior. McCain refused to answer and rolled her eyes — like a bratty teenager who got her cell phone taken away.  “I always took Trump seriously,” she replied.  “You can go back and check the receipts when I worked at Fox and when I worked on my radio show. I always took Trump seriously.” “This mess that we all got ourselves into, I blame the left as much as the right, and the demonizing of all conservatives in this country, all Trump supporters in every way. You’re getting him re-elected.” Everyone allowed Meghan to speak until she foolishly said: “Trump didn’t collude with Russia.” Immediately Joy shot back and said, “You know that’s not true!” and Sunny ran off a list of Trump’s alleged crimes.  Whoopi shut the conversation up real quick as she sent the show to commercial break. So will Meghan McCain be fired from The View ??  We wouldn’t be surprised but, at the end of the day, Meghan still has plenty of fans out there who love her on the show and think she does a great job at representing conservative values — while also not backing Donald Trump. The show needs that opposite point of view in order to truly reflect all sides.  And if that’s just too much for you — maybe next time you tune in try keeping a bottle of ibuprofen in hand? Or whiskey … if you’re into that kind of thing at 11 a.m. on the weekday.  But at that point — I may suggest just turning the TV off.  View Slideshow: Jenny McCarthy Details Miserable, Hellish Experience on The View

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Meghan McCain: Will She Be Fired From The View?!

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