Anyone who follows the news received a blast from the past after Miley Cyrus was spotted making out with Cody Simpson . Unfortunately, some of her “fans” took her to task for not waiting some sort of imaginary grace period before moving on from Kaitlynn Carter . Now, Miley is shutting down sexist double-standards and pleading with fans to give her some space while she figures out how to date again. Miley Cyrus opted to post a pair of lengthy messages via the Notes App. “I know the public feels invested in my past relationship because they felt like they saw it thru [sic] from the beginning,” Miley begins. “I think that’s why people have always felt so entitled over my life and how I live it,” she speculates. Miley reasons: “because they’ve watched me grow up. “But,” she reminds fans. “I am grown now and make choices as an adult knowing the truth/details/reality.” Miley then points out: “People only ‘know’ what they see on the internet.” “Men (especially successful ones) are RARELY slut shamed,” Miley correctly observes. “They move on from one beautiful young woman to the next MOST times without consequence,” she continues. Miley notes: “They are usually referred to as ‘legends,’ ‘heartthrobs,’ ‘G,’ ‘Ladies Man,’ etc…where women are called sluts/whores!” That’s true and it is an infamous and unfair double standard. And no, Leo DiCaprio getting shaded for almost exclusively dating very young women does not balance out a massive cultural disparity. “I am trying to just thrive, survive in a ‘man’s world,'” Miley explains to her fans and followers. “If we can’t beat em, join em!” she then writes. This is where her message takes an odd turn. “If our president can ‘grab em by the p–sy…’ can’t I just have a kiss and acai bowl?!?!” she asks. Why … why would she bring up sexual assault in this conversation? “I refuse to recluse and ‘date’ from home cause A. That’s not fun B. Extremely uncomfortable / puts me in a vulnerable position,” Miley writes. “I would like to share an activity with someone I am dating,” she says. “And not be stuck at home with pretty much nothing to do but ‘Netflix and chill.'” For the record, there are countless things that one can do at home aside from streaming a show or boning each other’s lights out. But that doesn’t make Miley’s complaints any less valid. “This ‘dating’ thing is new to me too,” Miley reminds the world. “I’ve never been an ‘adult’/ grown ass woman experiencing this.” Man, remember back when she was dating Justin Gaston and all of the articles were about how hardcore he was about bible stuff? “I was in a committed relationship for almost all my teens and early 20s,” Miley recalls. She adds: “with the exception of a few breaks, which usually in those times I was working my ass off with not much R&R…” “And,” Miley notes. “‘Meeting/trusting’ people in my position is really tuff [sic].” Isn’t that why the Raya app was invented? “Don’t f–king pity me, not what I’m asking for,” Miley instructs her followers. “I have a great life,” she affirms. “I wouldn’t trade for ‘privacy.'” “But PLEASE don’t make it awkward for me!” Miley asks. “I am trying to make light and like always MAKE FUN of myself? and the public’s perception of me!” she explains. “Get used to me dating,” Miley concludes. “This is where I am at! #HotGirlFall” To make it clear, we are emphatically not having a “Hot Girl Fall.” Hot Girl Summer is over, and it is now a very gender-neutral Thotumn, which will be followed by Cold Boy Winter. But more to the point, Miley raises some great points. One, give her some breathing room as she gets back into the dating game. Dating after a marriage is difficult, folks. Two, she, and everyone else on the planet, has the right to sling her genitals in any (consenting) direction she sees fit. Cody Simpson is just one piece of the puzzle. I look forward to seeing her snog even more twinks who haven’t been relevant for a decade! View Slideshow: Miley Cyrus Risks Catastrophic Nip-Slip on Saturday Night Live
Miley Cyrus BLASTS Slut-Shamers After Cody Simpson Kiss: F–K OFF!