When people say that “He is Risen” in regard to Easter, they are talking about the resurrection of Jesus Christ. But when Miley Cyrus implies that something is rising, she’s referring to the penis of her male social media followers in reaction to a series of raunchy images. So we assume, at least. We say this because the singer has shared a number of tantalizing pictures in celebration of this holy holiday, using the occasion of Easter to dress in very little clothing and to act all naughty with a certain famous bunny. Miley didn’t include any captions with any of these seductive pieces of footage… … but what is there to really say about them? The snapshots hearken back to Miley’s X-rated, foam-finger waving days of 2013 , which is fine and dandy. Heck, it’s likely even encouraged by many fans out there, many of whom can’t get enough of Cyrus showing a lot of skin. The thing is, Easter is, like, a really big deal for Christians. It’s all about Jesus’ rebirth and it means a lot and it may not be exactly proper for Cyrus to recognize it by acting like a Playboy bunny while frolicking with the Easter bunny. “I hope we get another Bangerz album out of this,” wrote one social media user in response to this pictorial, while another joked: “And the Easter Bunny is officially ruined for kids who follow her account.” Others, however, took a bit more offense to Cyrus going all NC-17 on Easter of all days. “Glad to see what a “supposedly religious” holiday looks like lol, smh I cant,” complained one commenter. Cyrus, meanwhile, isn’t the only celebrity to come under fire for her Easter message. Kim Kardashian actually kept her clothes on this past Sunday, but she still earned a great deal of backlash for sharing a photo of a cross with diamonds all around it . In Kim’s case, critics were aghast that she chose to flaunt her wealth on this holiest of days. For Cyrus, folks are peeved that she is flaunting a few other things. And we bet occasional friend Justin Bieber is among those peeved. “Jesus has changed my life,” Bieber wrote for his Easter message , which was a tad different from that of Miley. He added this week: “Easter is not about a bunny, it’s a reminder that my Jesus died on the cross for my sins and then rose from the dead defeating death!” View Slideshow: Miley Cyrus Tattoos: Which is Your Favorite? Or, you know, it’s a reminder that Miley Cyrus has a nice body. One of those two things.
Original post:
Miley Cyrus Gets Spanked by Easter Bunny, Earns Internet Ire