Timid. That sums up Mitt Romney in one word, according to Newt Gingrich, who touts himself as a bold, conservative leader for America’s future in this new ad spot. Coming out hard after Romney derailed him in Iowa , where he once held a sizable edge, Newt calls Mitt’s economic plan “timid” and “virtually identical to Obama’s.” Newt Gingrich Attack Ad Gingrich, despite a disappointing fourth-place finish in the first Republican caucus of the primary season, is showing no signs he’ll drop out, at least for now. “Timid won’t create jobs, and timid certainly won’t defeat Barack Obama,” the narrator says, quickly delivering on Gingrich’s promise to draw a sharp contrast. “Newt Gingrich’s bold leadership balanced the budget, reformed welfare and helped create millions of new jobs. The Gingrich jobs plan is a powerful plan to grow our economy and create jobs, rebuilding the America we love with bold conservative leadership.” You buying it?
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Newt Gingrich Hammers "Timid" Mitt Romney in New Ad