Are the Ali Lohan plastic surgery rumors true? Difficult to say. Has she lost weight? One self-proclaimed expert says that totally happened – in horrifying fashion! A “leading nutrition expert” (the kind quoted by Radar Online ) estimates that Ali’s weight PLUMMETED to a gaunt, anemic, borderline waifish 95 lbs. lately. Judging by Ali Lohan pictures like this, he could be right: Lindsay Lohan’s younger sister, who recently signed a modeling contract, looks emaciated with sunken cheeks and skinny arms and legs, Dr. Majid Ali feels. “She is very underweight. By looking at her cheekbones you can tell that she has muscle wasting going on … She may binge and purge plus calorie restrict.” This guy can expect to hear from the Lohan famiiy attorney REAL fast. “When that happens, the body looks for calories by feeding on itself. Muscle is the first to go then fats, hence the loss of bust size and the curves,” he adds. The doctor said he does not believe Ali is at a healthy weight. “At her height, I’d put her under 100, maybe 95ish, and that’s way too thin. If it is calorie restriction she has to be under 800 calories daily,” he estimates. “Additionally if you look at her eyes, it is the empty look of someone nutritionally underserved, not enough proteins, fats, carbs, vitamins and minerals.” If any of that is even half true, at least she has quality family role models to draw support from. LOL, sorry, almost got through that with a straight face. As for the plastic surgery question … jury’s still out. Her rep and older sister deny it but that’s not exactly a credible source, pathological liar and all. [Photo: Fame Pictures]
See more here:
Nutritionist Warns: Ali Lohan is an Anorexic Waif!