Erica Ann Ginnetti, a married former teacher, was referred to as “dangling candy” by a judge who gave her 30 days in jail for having sex with a student. Ginnetti, 35, was arrested in January in Lower Moreland, Pa., after police were tipped off when the victim showed photos and videos of her to classmates. The photos included Ginnetti in a bikini, her underwear or a thong, while a video sent to the teen showed her undressing in a “sexually charged manner.” The teacher and student were in frequent contact in July 2013, after the two had sex in her car parked at an industrial park. Ginnetti pleaded guilty last year. Despite charges of sexual assault and disseminating sexually explicit materials that could’ve earned her 7-14 years behind bars, she got off (har har) easy. Judge Garrett D. Page gave her 30 days’ jail time; Ginnetti will also have to register as a sex offender, and her reputation now precedes her, of course. At her sentencing hearing last Friday, the judge compared sexy photos of the woman to “dangling candy” in front of her victim, according to media reports. “What young man would not jump on that candy?” Page said . Awkward … but difficult to dispute his honor’s point there. “I don’t believe you’re a bad human being,” Page added. “You did a bad act. So I have to punish you.” Ginnetti now works as a fitness instructor at a local gym, regularly volunteers at her church, and is rebuilding her relationship with her husband and three children (!). What do you think? Was the 30-day punishment enough? Will Jennifer Fichter or Erica Lynne Mesa be so lucky when their sentencing days arrive? View Slideshow: 21 Teachers 2 Hot 4 Students
Pennsylvania Teacher Gets 30 Days For Having Sex with Student, Called "Dangling Candy" By Judge