We’re sorry to say it, ladies, but: Phillip Phillips has a girlfriend. And he’s head over heels for the unnamed brunette. “She is so excited for me,” the 21-year old told reporters in a conference call yesterday. “She supported me throughout all of this, and I love her to death.” Phillip added that his gal pal has helped him immensely through his kidney ailment – it came out this week that Phillips underwent EIGHT surgeries during season 11 and is due for one in the near future – and if female voters out there have a problem with his heart being taken, well… … too bad! “If a girl [voted] for me because I’m cute, and then gets mad that I have a girlfriend, then she doesn’t really like the music,” he said. “I’m not some cute guy who is trying to be successful off that. I really want the music to come first.” So, why did YOU vote Phillip Phillips for American Idol winner?
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Phillip Phillips Loves Girlfriend, Embraces Talent