Rachael Sacks, a 20-year-old Manhattan college student, has ruffled some feathers online with a blog post in which she embraces her family’s affluence. The article’s unabashed title, “I’m Not Going to Pretend That I’m Poor to Be Accepted by You,” gives you an indication of where she’s coming from with this. “I’m not one of those people who try to be poor to relate to people,” she writes. “I am sorry I was born into great financial circumstances and my father likes to provide for me. I am sorry I don’t have to go to a state school to save my parents money.” “What do you want from me?” What sparked this defense of her privileged upbringing, which landed her on the cover of the New York Post – which she embraced with the same unapologetic attitude? Rachael Sacks said she was snubbed by a cashier and customer at a Gristedes grocery store as she held a “big a** shopping bag” from the Mulberry sale she’d just attended. “What the f–k? Could they not be that obvious?” Sacks said. “I should have stopped at my apartment and put my bags down then if they were going to judge me like that. And I got my purse at a 70 percent discount so they can f–k off.” Sacks had to know she would spark an online rage-fest with her essay about how all the rest of us will just have to effing deal with her being a pampered daddy’s girl. Saturday, standing at the entrance of her daddy-funded Christopher Street apartment, Sacks (above) seemed to bask in the attention she swears she doesn’t want. She later went on to say that “people shouldn’t make others feel bad about their own personal finances,” and that in the end, this says more about those who are jealous. “It just seems really petty and makes you look bitter and unhappy with your own life if you are casting nasty glares at college girls in Gristedes because you’re a cashier.” Ouch. What do you think of Rachael’s commentary? Does she have a point about people giving her a hard time for no reason? Or do you think that she should be a bit more humble here? A little of both? Share your take in the comments below.
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Rachael Sacks, Rich College Student, Slams Poor People For Making Her Feel Bad