Despite having multiple reality shows and eight cute kids, Kate Gosselin, is a sad and lonely individual with no friends, according to a new report. Yup, we can totally see that. A source close to the celeb mom says that despite what she wants you to think, “The truth is Kate is very sad and lonely with few true friends.” ALL BY HERSELF : That’s Kate these days. [Photo: Pacific Coast News] When she’s not watching over her kids or filming Kate Plus 8 , the perfectionist is seen wasting money on tanning , getting her nails done or visiting NYC salons. Moreover, she has a dedicated routine routine of grueling jogs to relieve stress and keep herself in tip-top condition, but even that’s coming at a heavy price. “Even her kids have noticed that their mom is sometimes too tired to play with them when the cameras are not rolling,” the Gosselin family source said. Her only confidant? Steve Neild . “Her bodyguard, Steve Neild is the closest person to her, but he’s married with two kids of his own,” the source said . “Steve lives in the basement of her home and accompanies Kate everywhere, but they deny there is anything going on.” They always have, and they’re likely isn’t anything romantic, but regardless, Neild is about all she’s got when it comes to adult, personal relationships. “Apart from Steve she does not have many friends to confide in or just go out with … she does not have the best relationship with her family either.” Even locals in the neighborhood have become judgmental. “She is not popular at the local stores, post office or car wash … she cannot win people over and comes across as cold and aloof,” the source said. Pretty much. Jon Gosselin knows it all too well. “Kate finds it hard to be friendly towards people and is very domineering – she is pre-occupied with looking her best and keeping-up appearances.” It’s true, she does her best to make it seem like she’s got the family thing under control. Sadly, making the kids eat rotten food doesn’t qualify.
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Report: Kate Gosselin Has No Friends