Ronnie Ortiz-Magro: Should He Be Fired from Jersey Shore?

I was in a bad place in my life and my relationship and I acted out of anger & immature resentment… I’ve grown & wouldn’t want to hurt my girlfriend or my daughter, everyone makes mistakes and you’ll see that I learned from mine. I wouldn’t never put myself in that position again to hurt the two people I love the most in my life. I want to lead by example for my daughter and how to be a real man and I need to lead how to be a good boyfriend/husband. I’m sorry. This is what Ronnie Ortiz-Magro said in November of 2018. Fast forward nearly a year… and the Jersey Shore star was arrested for attacking Jen Harley with a knife, reportedly because he was on cocaine and allegedly while holding his 18-month old daughter in his arms. In other words: Ronnie has learned almost nothing, and changed barely at all. While there are major personal ramifcations at stake for Ronnie as a result of this incident — Will he go to jail? Will he lost custody of young Ariana? — there’s also a professional consequence. It’s about time we wonder whether Ronnie deserves to be featured on MTV any longer, don’t you think? According to various outlets, Ronnie completely flipped his $hit just  before 3 a.m. on Friday. He and Harley reportedly got into yet another screaming match, this one turning violent and dangerous for all involved. Ronnie is accused of chasing his on-again/off-again girlfriend around with a weapon and then grabbing the couple’s infant daughter and locking him inside the home the couple had been renting. When police arrived on the scene, Ronnie refused to be taken into custody… prompting authorities to use a taser in order to subdue the reality star. Photos later emerged of a shirtless Ronnie being wheeled away on a gurney while handcuffed. View Slideshow: Ronnie Magro Attacks Jen Harley With a Knife, Gets Arrested and Tased By Cops Ronnie was arrested for assault against Harley and a charge of kidnapping has since been added to the record. Is he innocent until proven guilty? Yes. But one need not be convicted of a crime to be fired from a reality program. Just ask Farrah Abraham , who was let go from Teen Mom because she starred in amateur pornography videos. Or Jenelle Evans , who was booted from the same franchise because Child Protection Services deemed her an unfit mother — even though no charges were ever filed against her. Raking in money from a cable network and garnering vast fame and fortune as a result of a role on Jersey Shore is a privilege, not a right. Ronnie doesn’t need to be a certified criminal for producers to decide that his time on the series has run its course. So… should they make this call? Has Ronnie’s contentious relationship with Harley — which has included multiple arrests at this point, as well as very ugly fights over social media — created a situation in which Ortiz-Magro is simply too poisonous of a presence to employ? He’s a father, remember. There’s an innocent little girl in the middle of all this, someone who may sadly have to read about her parents awful exploits online because they’re featured on a popular television show. This is why we’re asking you to vote below: SHOULD MTV FIRE RONNIE ORTIZ-MAGRO FROM JERSEY SHORE? And the Winner is? Absolutely! Click Here To Vote for Absolutely! No way! Click Here To Vote for No Ronnie Ortiz-Magro continues to break the law and set an awful example. Should he lose his job? View Poll »

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Ronnie Ortiz-Magro: Should He Be Fired from Jersey Shore?

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