While Mitt Romney’s “47 percent” remark became a campaign land mine for the Republican this fall, another quote from that same viral video has been largely ignored. Until now, if Rosie Perez has anything to say about it. Easier as a Latino? (Rosie Perez Ad) The actress just recorded an ad for a Democratic PAC focusing on Romney joking that if his Mexican-born father had had Mexican parents, he would “have a better shot at winning this.” “I say that jokingly,” the candidate added, “But it would be helpful to be Latino.” The ad cuts from the laughter of Romney donors to Perez’s own laughter. “Hispanics represent 17 percent of the population and account for less than 2 percent of all elected and appointed officials. The advantage is obvious,” she says, sarcastically. She then goes on to mockingly name the U.S.’s Latino presidents (Jorge Washington, Jorge Bush, etc.) and generally makes fun of Mitt for being rich. That’s about it. Romney and President Barack Obama square off Tuesday in the second of three presidential debates . If that latter doesn’t show up this time, no ads are going to help. Decision 2012 : Obama-Biden Romney-Ryan View Poll »
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