Over the past year, Ryan Edwards' struggles with heroin addiction have been well-documented, both on Teen Mom OG and in the tabloid headlines. There have been brief periods of hope, such as when Edwards checked into rehab shortly after marrying Mackenzie Standifer. Unfortunately, there's been more cause for concern than optimism, and the latest news about Ryan certainly doesn't offer much encouragement. Despite the fact that any violation of his probation could result in a lengthy prison sentence, it seems Edwards is definitely using again. Here's what we know so far … 1. Another Rock Bottom Ryan has been trapped in a seemingly never-ending downward spiral in recent months. Last month, he was arrested for a probation violation stemming from a 2017 arrest for heroin possession. 2. A Rough Year News of the arrest came on the heels of a string of legal headaches for Edwards. His wife, Mackenzie Standifer, and her husband, Taylor McKinney, were both recently granted restraining orders against Edwards after it was revealed that Ryan threatened to shoot Taylor in the head. 3. A Crushing Blow This means, of course, that Ryan will not be permitted to see his son, 9-year-old Bentley, unless Maci requests that the restraining order be lifted or allows it to expire. 4. The Hits Keep Coming All of this occurred within a few weeks of Ryan getting caught cheating on his wife, Mackenzie Standifer, for the second time. 5. Triggered It’s not hard to see how all of this might have triggered a relapse. For weeks, Ryan has been laying low, and fans have been expressing concerns about his health. Now, it seems their worst fears have been confirmed. 6. Sad News According to Radar Online, new evidence that Ryan is back on heroin has emerged and the reality star’s loved ones now fear for his life. View Slideshow
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Ryan Edwards: Caught Using Heroin AGAIN?!