Ryan Lochte: Looking For Love, Etc On Tinder

Ah, Ryan Lochte.  A special, special young man with so much to offer. Lochte recently spoke to Cosmo.com ahead of the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio about getting himself some strange (JK, I’m sure he’s a total gentleman when it comes to dates). Lochte admitted that he has tried Bumble and Raya (the latter of which is a dating app for celebs and other VIPs), but neither tickled his fancy. “With Bumble, the girl always has to make the first [move], and I don’t really like that. I don’t think that’s a woman job. So I got off that,” he explained. “And then Raya, I don’t know. I’m living in Charlotte so that didn’t really work because most of the women you link up with are either in L.A. or New York. So I just recently got on Tinder.” Swipe right for love. “I heard it took off in Sochi [at the 2014 Winter Olympics] and then people were talking about it and I was like, ‘Let me try this.’  “So I got on it and I’ve been matching up with a bunch of gorgeous women who are smart, they have professional jobs and everything. I’m like, “Wow, this is perfect.’ “So I’ve been on Tinder lately. So far I haven’t had any dates or anything. I’ve just been talking with a couple [women].” What does a fella like Lochte look for in a woman?  “You can’t say, like, looks aren’t everything because, I mean, that’s the first thing that people see,” he admitted. “So you definitely see their picture and then you look at their bio and they tell you their job description. “I want someone that has goals and all that. Sometimes they post their Instagram name, and you can look at their Instagram and just see how they present themselves.” Let us all put forth good vibes for Lochte, so that he may win the gold medal in love.

Read the rest here:
Ryan Lochte: Looking For Love, Etc On Tinder

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