Break out the cereal and get in line for some soup… a Seinfeld reunion might actually be taken place! Earlier this week, Jerry Seinfeld and Jason Alexander were spotted at Tom’s Restaurant, the setting of many meals and jokes throughout the storied history of this sitcom. Were they filming a commercial An episode of Jerry’s Web series? “It’s neither, but it is not… not those things either. It’s a secret project,” Jerry mysteriously said today during an interview with WFAN in New York. What could it be? Will we have a new set of Seinfeld quotes to celebrate? The comedian would only tease the following: Other cast members are involved in the project. Shooting is complete. It is over 60 seconds in length. Alexander is portraying George Constanza; Jerry is NOT playing himself. Larry David is involved, but not in front of the camera. It will air “very, very soon.” No filming took place in Jerry’s apartment. It was likely a one-time deal. In whatever form this takes, do you want to see a Seinfeld reunion? Eh, sure OF COURSE! Absolutely! YES! View Poll »
See more here:
Seinfeld Reunion: Will It Finally Happen?