If all the recent accusations are to be believed, Drake has been fertilizing wombs with about the same frequency that he releases radio-friendly hip hop/R&B fusion hits. Last month, an Instagram model named Layla Lace claimed that Drake knocked her up . Now, a porn star named Sophie Brussaux is also claiming that she’s pregnant with a lil Drizzy – and she says she’s got the receipts to prove it. Brussaux says she hooked up with the Canadian crooner shortly after Drake split from Jennifer Lopez . She claims she’s currently 3 1/2 months pregnant, and she’s hired two high-end to get Drake to acknowledge the baby and agree to child support terms. TMZ has obtained what Brussaux says are copies of text message conversations she had with Drake , in which he pressured her to get an abortion. The site has published one such conversation that reads thusly: Drake: I want you to have an abortion. Brussaux: I can’t kill my baby simply to indulge you sorry. Drake: Indulge me? F*** you. Brussaux: What? Drake: You do know what you’re doing you think you’re going to get money[?] Obviously, it’ll be pretty tough for Drake to deny knowledge of the pregnancy if these texts turn out be legit. Interestingly, he’s remained mum on the topic on social media thus far. Drake denies getting Lace pregnant , but has yet to speak out on the Brussaux matter personally. Moments ago, his attorneys issued a statement calling Brussaux’s character into question. “This woman has a very questionable background. She has admitted to having multiple relationships,” the statement reads. “We understand she may have problems getting into the United States. She’s one of many women claiming he got them pregnant.” The lawyers add: “If it is in fact Drake’s child, which he does not believe, he would do the right thing by the child.” They go on to claim that Brussaux was having sex with another famous rapper at the same time as Drake, and the unnamed hip hop star has all but acknowledged that the baby is his. So Drizzy was gettin’ it in with another rapper’s girl again ? Did he learn nothing from the drama that ensued when he banged Lil Wayne’s girlfriend ? BTW, if you’re the betting type and want to put some dollars down on which rapper actually knocked up Brussaux, smart money’s on Weezy. He’s got like 47 kids already, and clearly he and Drake have the same taste in women. View Slideshow: Drake: A History of Women He May Have Dated
Original post:
Sophie Brussaux: Porn Star Says Drake Got Her Pregnant, Tried to Force Abortion