Earlier today, Taylor Swift’s Twitter account was compromised by hackers claiming to be associated with Lizard Squad – the same group who famously hacked into the networks of major gaming systems over the holiday season. The hackers immediately began tweeting to Swift’s 70 million followers, encouraging them to follow various accounts associated with Lizard Squad. It seemed fairly harmless at first – as harmless as a forceful invasion of one’s privacy can be, anyway – but then the hackers began threatening to release nude photos of Taylor. Obviously, the incident brings to mind the widespread theft that occurred back in August when nude photos of Jennifer Lawrence and dozens of other female stars were released online. Taylor took to her Tumblr page today to acknowledge the hacking and admit that she is, indeed, frightened: “Well, now I’m awake,” Taylor wrote. “My Twitter got hacked but don’t worry, Twitter is deleting the hacker tweets and locking my account until they can figure out how this happened and get me a new password. Never a dull moment.” She later updated that her Instagram has now been hacked too, adding, “This is going to be a long day #THIS IS WHY I’M, SCARED OF TECHNOLOGY #WHO’S PARANOID NOW?” Between the theft of nude photos from Kate Upton and so many others over the summer and the recent Sony hacking scandal , online security has been in the news more than ever lately, and it seems that Taylor is the latest victim of cyber-criminals who are more interested in proving a point than making money. It looks as though Taylor’s accounts have been secured, and the hacks are currently being investigated, but a scary moment for the singer and her fans, nonetheless. We’ll have more information on this story as it becomes available. 19 Essential Taylor Swift GIFs 1. Taylor Swift Twerking Taylor Swift Twerking and grinding against Taylor Swift in an amazing GIF mashup of Taylor Swift photos.
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Taylor Swift Nude Photos to be Released By Hackers?