Ben Higgins WILL pop the question on The Bachelor season finale Monday. That much is clear. But he's IN LOVE with TWO women, so … Will it be Jojo Fletcher or Lauren Bushnell getting asked?! The Bachelor spoilers shed light on that if you care for that insight. If not, man, the preview below is a feast for the overly-edited senses! “I’m sitting here on a bathroom floor,” Ben tells one of his two finalists around the halfway point. “And … I love you. I’m in love with you.” “But do you love her too?” she asks. “Yes.” Oh s–t, this is about to get REAL. When Ben says he put his fiancee through hell , we now understand a little bit more about what he means … as she has to watch this. In order to fully invest himself in one of these two AMAZING women, Ben brilliantly observes, he will have to say goodbye to the other. How will he handle that? Not well, it looks like. He is a lost man right now, he assures us, unaware of what comes next or how to react. The fallout could be epic. Not just for the drama of who Ben Higgins will choose , or how the woman whose heart he breaks will respond. It can't be easy to hear that he was falling just as hard for someone else, and some fans have theorized that his engagement is in peril . That's just conjecture, however. The show's track record is so poor, we would not assume any happily-ever-after scenarios, but we wouldn't rule them out. Not yet anyway. What we can tell you is that this is a man fighting back tears when he talks about the woman he DOES plan to propose to, and … wow. Is it dusty in here now too?! Check out the preview for Monday's season-ender below and tell us: Team Lauren or Team Jojo? And will Ben and the winner last?
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The Bachelor Finale Sneak Preview: Ben Proposes to …