The Flash Season 1 Episode 12 Recap: Peek-a-Boo!

Peek-a-Boo! We saw a new villain on  The Flash Season 1 Episode 12 . And while we didn’t love her nickname (sorry, Caitlin, you can’t name anymore baddies), we did not love she neutered Barry’s special abilities. This left it up to the S.T.A.R. labs team to thwart her evil efforts, which they did by determining that darkness was her Kryptonite. She ended the hour in an empty cell in the S.T.A.R. Labs Pipeline. Watch The Flash Season 1 Episode 12 Online On a related note, the Pied Piper talked Cisco into letting him out of his cell so he could explain the fate of Ronnie. Or, to be more accurate, why Dr. Stein did not leave the lab the night of the particle accelerator incident. Pied Piper viewed surveillance footage and noted out Stein (who was engaged in transmutation experiments) ended up caught in the blast, fusing with Ronnie in the process. The Pied Piper then knocked Cisco out (of course), prompting Cisco to later confess to Dr. Wells, Barry and Caitlin about what happened. He also admitted to why it happened: he’s been feeling guilty about sealing Ronnie inside the chamber during the explosion. Caitlin found it in herself to forgive him. Speaking of Caitlin: she got WASTED during a night out with Barry in which they sang “Summer Nights” at karaoke. Seriously! He ended up taking her home and getting her into her pajamas, acting like a gentlemen throughout. She told him, however, that any peek he sneaked was deserved because he has done so much “good” for people. You simply MUST watch Arrow online to relive this karaoke performance. Elsewhere on a busy Arrow Season 3 episode: Barry’s dad was stabbed in prison. The incident was payback for his assisting Joe with intel on Clay Parker’s boss/possible whereabouts. In the infirmary, Henry noticed a front page photo of The Flash, courtesy of Iris, and is clearly aware of his identity. But he played coy and he sent a message to this hero to be “careful” and that his father is “proud of him.” Following his karaoke performance, Barry got the number of a reporter for the Picture News, Linda Park. At the very end of the hour, fans witnessed former S.T.A.R. Labs subject Grodd. He’s set up base in the Central City sewer system, where he keeps busy by writing his name on the walls and abducting maintenance men. GULP !

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The Flash Season 1 Episode 12 Recap: Peek-a-Boo!

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