The first trailer for The Martian hit the web today, and the three-minute clip quickly became a trending topic on social media. You may have spotted it in your newsfeed and wondered why a generically-titled space thriller that won't be released until November is getting so much hype. The answer is simple: The film is based on a beloved bestseller by Andy Weir, and The trailer looks freakin' badass. It also doesn't hurt that The Martian is directed by Ridley Scott and stars…well, just about everybody. (Jeff Daniels, Jessica Chastain, Kristen Wiig, Donald Glover, Sean “Don't Call Me Ned Stark ” Bean, Kate Mara, and many others.) Yes, it's Matt Damon in space again (a la the 2013 crap-fest Elysium ), but this time the movie has a promising premise and one of the great action movie directors of all-time at the helm (unlike the 2013 crap-fest Elysium). It's a little early for reviews, but we're gonna go out on a limb and say this might be the best thing Matt Damon has done since he decided to let Ben Affleck crash at his house to escape his marital troubles. Praise doesn't get much higher than that.
Continued here:
The Martian Trailer: Matt Damon Gets Spacey!