The Vampire Diaries Season 6 Episode 3 Recap: The Secrets are Out

The secrets came flooding out on The Vampire Diaries Season 6 Episode 3 . Let’s start with Bonnie and Damon : They are not alone in 1994. Some dude named Kai is there and he nearly killed Damon inside a liquor store, only for Bonnie to save the day by suddenly rediscovering her magic. After taking Kai hostage, he tells the trapped twosome that he wasn’t really kill Damon… he just needed to bring Bonnie to the brink so that she would be able to use magic again. Why? Because magic is the key to them getting the heck out of there. Outside Mystic Falls, meanwhile, a party was raging at the swimming hole. But after Caroline (who decided to move back to college in the end) compelled an attendee to get ice, and then that attendee told Jeremy she lost the desire to get said ice once she hit Mystic Falls, Jeremy came to a realization: Sarah knows! She didn’t actually forget Elena taking a bite out of her neck on The Vampire Diaries Season 6 Episode 1 because all compulsion ends in Mystic Falls and she’s been getting it on with Jeremy there ever since. So she apparently knows exactly who Elena is and exactly what Elena did and now we’re left to wonder: Who is she? What does she want? Stefan , meanwhile, returned to town in order to get revenge against Enzo. But just as he was about to kill his enemy, one of the guys in Matt’s weird group came upon them with a crossbow. Enzo killed him first, but not before Matt learned that he’s been training with a group of vampire hunters. Oops! His bad! Tyler called Liv in to help with the body and the kegs and she admitted she has feelings for him. We’re totally down with Lyler , aren’t you? (Or should we refer to them as Tiv ?) Finally, Enzo went for a piece of pie at the diner and ended up sitting next to Tripp . He knew Enzo was a vampire because Enzo has been killing waitresses left and right. Tripp injected Enzo with vervain, but Enzo was able to fight it off and was about to kill Tripp… when Stefan walked in and shot him twice with that crossbow. He introduced himself to Tripp as another Founding Family member and was about to put another stake through Enzo when Tripp said he likes to kill vampires in his own way. So Stefan told him to go ahead and do so. As long as he makes it painful. Lots of forward momentum this week, lots of revelations and a few major questions regarding the idenities of Sarah and Kai. Go watch The Vampire Diaries online via TV Fanatic if you need to catch up and check out the official promo here for The Vampire Diaries Season 6 Episode 4 , “Black Hole Son.” The Vampire Diaries Season 6 Episode 4 Promo

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The Vampire Diaries Season 6 Episode 3 Recap: The Secrets are Out

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